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卡拉(芭芭拉·赫希 Barbara Hershey 饰)的丈夫在一场意外中不幸去世,卡拉不得不独自抚养他们的两个孩子,日子过得十分辛苦。某天夜里,卡拉遇见了科学无法解释的怪事,她被一股强大而又神秘的力量强暴了。由于事态过于诡异,卡拉将此归结于自己在做梦,但这股力量并没有就此消失,而是一而再再而三的骚扰着卡拉。 恐惧之中,卡拉向心理医生库利(Jacqueline Brookes 饰)求助,但库利认为这只是卡拉压力太大而产生的幻觉。科学无法帮助卡拉,于是卡拉转而找到了一名玄学家,玄学家在卡拉的卧室里放置了特殊的摄影器材,并且最终拍摄下了惊悚恐怖的一幕。证据证明了卡拉并没有疯,但这也意味着,他们必须要和那个邪恶的力量正面对抗。
Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”
Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created.
在巴黎,青海(曹在显饰)是名来自韩国的年轻人,他靠小偷小骗谋生。洪山(张东直饰)是个来自朝鲜的逃兵,同是非法移民身份的两个人,由于青海偷窃了洪山的东西而结识,并开始了一份兄弟友情。偶然机会,青海认识了一位同落难的白人女子考林,她依靠着一个法国流氓生存,生活困苦。 之后黑社会老大赏识洪山,便招其为手下,而两个替黑社会老大卖命的人也失去了自由。因为考林的缘故,青海几次背叛了洪山。最后他们一起被扔进了海中,异国他乡的命运就如此完结了么?…