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英俊少年秦歌(陈俊生 饰)深爱着少女鸳鸯(张恒 饰),可惜鸳鸯生于穷苦之家,被买入了酒馆卖艺不卖身,秦歌凑足的银两前去替鸳鸯赎身,哪知道在这个节骨眼上,鸳鸯竟被拜月教主金东方掠走。最终,不堪受辱的鸳鸯选择了自尽,而秦歌身受重伤被张好儿(徐露 饰)救下。 千金大小姐田思思(季芹 饰)久闻秦歌的大名,发誓非其不嫁,可父亲搭设了比武招亲的擂台,最终获胜的是武功高强的少年杨繁(吴京 饰),相互看不上眼的两人打打闹闹,俨然一对欢喜冤家。金东方和秦歌的父亲因为一场误会而结下了深深的冤仇,如今,金东方要让秦歌体会到她当年的痛苦。错综复杂的关系里,江湖上即将刮起一阵腥风血雨。
Zhang a middle aged man struggling with a dead end job as an insurance sales person, on the verge of divorce with his wife, losing custody of her daughter and on top of all this he had to take care of his father who's suffering Alzheimer's. Unknowingly Zhang was invited to join an underground fighting game for financial purposes but eventually Zhang becomes hooked on the fights and turns professional.