搜索 "胡菱恩张海1993" ,找到 部影视作品
1945年8月,日寇投降后,中共为促成国共合作,避免内战,应蒋介石(孙飞虎 饰)之邀,毛泽东(古月 饰)只身飞往重庆,与蒋“共商国是”。毛的毅然到来令蒋手足无措,不得已在官邸会见毛,谈判拉开帷幕。蒋和谈是假,积极筹备内战是真。毛在渝期间,广泛接触各党派民主人士,宣传共产党的主张。周恩来(黄凯 饰)、王若飞(董钰刚 饰)和国民党的谈判非常艰难,针对蒋介石提出的苛刻条件,毛泽东本着顾全大局的方针,在原则问题上作出重大让步,一针见血地指出蒋密发的《剿匪手本》阴谋,令蒋十分尴尬难堪。经过反复谈判,双方终于在“纪要”上签字,九龙坡机场上,毛泽东向欢送的人们挥起了巨手......
Frank, a retired Irish seaman, and Walter, a retired Cuban barber, are two lonely old men trapped in the emptiness of their own lives. When they meet in a park Frank is able to start a conversation after several attempts. They begin to spend time together and become friends. But because of their different characters they often quarrel with each other and finally seperate after Frank misbehaves to Walter's friend Elaine.