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故事发生在民国时期,豪华别墅内居住着英俊帅气的男主人贺书明(罗彬 饰)及其乖巧的女儿丝丝。可惜女主人燕贞(张晓燕 饰)此前跳楼自杀,这件事不仅令家人痛不欲生,也在别墅内蒙上一层鬼魅恐怖的阴影。书明经常被噩梦和家里的诡异景象所困扰,丝丝则经常半夜里和妈妈在花海荡秋千。吃药治疗未果后,贺书明请来了擅长调查灵异事件的侦探上官天(齐志 饰)和开中药方的小妍(廖蔚蔚 饰)。针对侦探二人组的询问,男主人欲言又止,闪烁其词,而美丽女佣夏荷(杨紫彤 饰)似乎也有所顾忌,不敢直言。 不知是人是鬼,上官和小妍权且展开抓鬼行动,在这一过程中他们逐渐发现鬼影背后的真相……
Set in both the late 80's and current day, "Back in the Day" is a gritty tale about Anthony Rodriguez (William DeMeo), a half Italian - half Puerto Rican young teenager growing up on the streets of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn; a then very dangerous and racist neighborhood filled with bullies, big shots and social clubs where all of the neighborhood shots were called. Anthony had to endure an abusive, unemployed, alcoholic father but was blessed with a nurturing, hard-working mother who he loses at a very early age and is devastated by it. In spite of his bitterness, he struggles to uphold the morals his Mother taught him and retain his dignity in spite of being up against all odds. He is taken under the wing of a local mob boss, Enzo DeVino (Michael Madsen), who supports Anthony's wishes to escape his demons through the sport of boxing. Enzo connects Anthony with a trainer (Danny Glover), who means business, and turns Anthony into a contender although his troubled life and friends, who seem to always get him into trouble, hinder his career. As he journeys into adulthood with the nearly impossible goal of achieving a successful professional boxing career, Anthony manages to not only go pro, but literally fight his way to the top and become a world champion middleweight boxer at an unlikely age. But not without love, loss of love, humiliation, retaliation and revenge playing roles in his journey to the top. But when he finally does make it to the top, who will be left of anyone Anthony has ever cared about, to share it with? And who will be left to get in the way of Anthony's success, and living his dream?
由李艳秋执导、富有浓郁“河南味”的本土电影《乡村守望的女人》正在奥斯卡旗下各大影城上映,该片由著名演员柏情、戴江、梁丽等领衔主演,笑星侯耀华、巩汉林等倾情加盟,描写了一群生活在社会最底层的农村女人的故事,展现了一种为爱守望、不计回报的纯朴爱情观。 电影《乡村守望的女人》是由河南籍知名作家李群杰策划,是一部用河南方言展现当代乡村普通老百姓最具纯真、坚定、凄美的爱情故事影片。在电影拍摄期间,剧组辗转河南项城乡村、遂平嵖岈山温泉小镇进行拍摄,除集中展现了河南平原和山村的美丽风景外,还汇聚了李艳秋、翟小兴、刘岳、方晓莉等一大批知名演员,特别是著名相声表演艺术家侯耀华和小品表演艺术家巩汉林的加盟,更为影片增加了不少趣味性和观赏性。
李小路(李浩菲 饰)是班里新来的转学生,其貌不扬的她个性也内向温吞,却意外的和优等生王晓冰(李嘉琪 饰)成为了无话不谈的好友。李小路喜爱文学,两人徜徉在文学的海洋里,尽情吸收着养分。之后,李小路再度转学,来到了英才中学,遇见了英俊帅气了男生徐杰(辛鹏 饰),两人渐渐走到了一起。而被寄予厚望的王晓冰却在考试中失利,使一直带她十分严苛的母亲(陈瑾 饰)大失所望,与此同时,王晓冰还遇见了李教官(李欢 饰)。李小路和王晓冰两个女孩,在此踏上了不同的道路,她们之间的友情,亦在考验和磨难之中产生了裂痕。高考结束后,王晓冰忽然找到了李小路,两个女孩尽释前嫌,度过了美好的一天,然而,让李小路没有想到的是,这次见面,竟然成为了诀别。©豆瓣
慧琳(杨怡 饰)和师妹惠瑜(乐瞳 饰)准备出家为尼,但尚未举行仪式,庵堂主持重病,为了替主持筹钱治病,姐妹两人结识了钱庄少东杜振峰(马国明 饰)。杜振峰答应帮助主持治病,但提出了一个苛刻的条件,那就是要求慧琳到自己的府上作侍女打工还债。 杜振峰系纨绔子弟,常常在外惹是生非,所幸慧琳武功高强,前者惹下的麻烦,总是后者帮他圆场。尽管平日里两人总是互相看不顺眼,又屡屡产生矛盾,可是久而久之,竟然生出一股别样的情愫来。杜振峰有幸进入官场成为了一名知县,以为就此可以平步青云,哪知道官场中的黑暗和罪恶深不见底,杜振峰虽然正直,却依旧不能幸免。