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该剧讲述拒绝爱情的非恋爱主义者训南,和梦想着爱情但因为残酷的现实而变成恋爱放弃者的正音相遇后,帮忙各种不适合恋爱的人们恋爱,并逐步接近真正的爱情的故事。 南宫珉饰演爱情理论专家姜训南,他因为暖男外貌和与生俱来的魅力,成为精通爱情的恋爱达人,但却对真正爱情没兴趣,预计将展现冷都男魅力。 黄正音饰演和自己名字一样的柳正音一角,她是潜水选手出身,有着通过运动锻炼而成的有弹力的腿部线条和柔和的容貌。 崔泰俊在剧中饰演充满“萌宠”魅力的康复诊所医生一角,是令大家羡慕的女主正音的“男性朋友” ,是一位长得帅且亲切温柔多情的医生,非常受人欢迎,与正音一直维持着既像恋人又像朋友一样的亲近关系。 吴允儿饰演跳水队教练“杨教练”一角。
Tae-gyu and Ji-hye get married. Two young lovers dreamed of the ideal married life which each had respect for each other. But honeymoon is soon over as each comes to realize that the other isn't quite what they thought. The liberal woman would like to talk of sex with frankness and ease. The conservative man can't get rid of his traditional sense of superiority. They end up hurting each other and decide to get a (limited) divorce. Once apart, they each begin to feel empty without the other, and realized they need to make an effort to understand each other.