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Tae-gyu and Ji-hye get married. Two young lovers dreamed of the ideal married life which each had respect for each other. But honeymoon is soon over as each comes to realize that the other isn't quite what they thought. The liberal woman would like to talk of sex with frankness and ease. The conservative man can't get rid of his traditional sense of superiority. They end up hurting each other and decide to get a (limited) divorce. Once apart, they each begin to feel empty without the other, and realized they need to make an effort to understand each other.
本片根据17世纪初期,朝鲜历史上的真实事件“仁祖反正”改编。 新政权在血腥的杀戮中上台不久,针对朝廷高官的刺杀层出不穷,武艺超群的护卫尹奎叶(赵在弦 饰)屡次救驾,在军中得到“屠夫”的戏称。主持对前朝官员进行血腥清洗的八位大臣相继遇刺,死状甚惨,尹奎叶率部保护其余官员并着力调查,与刺客一番交手后他得知对方剑上刻有“清风明月”字样,不禁勾起一段关于往事的回忆…… 清风明月乃前朝组织的一支精英部队,成军旨在维护安定,尹奎叶与崔志焕(崔民秀 饰)同为教师兼长官的金印(崔尚康 饰)高徒,金印膝下一女让两人牵肠挂肚。两人出师后加入不同部队,直至两年后汉城政变突发,尹奎叶匆匆向志焕预警,转眼间自己却面临叛乱一方的斩首,为保护部下,尹奎叶选择合作,亲手砍下了老师的头颅,又在混战中刺穿了志焕的胸膛……为捉拿刺客归案,朝廷动用了各方高手,连场血战一触即发。