
搜索 "古斯塔夫·奥波琴斯基金舸" ,找到 部影视作品

Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by bundled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wanderings of a hero through the situations of survival. People wait for the Ark to arrive and rescue them while their habitat falls apart.  Delving deep into the dusty and long abandonded vaults of b-cinema in search of lost gems always leaves me with a bittersweet taste. On one hand the discovery of unexpected gems where no one would think them possible is a rewarding experience. On the other hand though it makes one wonder how many of these remarkable low-budget oddities, personal love affairs of directors never quite famous and now all but forgotten, have almost forever slipped from memory  n any case what we have here is a little post-apocalyptic gem from Poland that is really better than it has any right to. The dystopian near future of O-BI, O-BA finds a group of survivors of the nuclear war that ravaged the Earth inhabiting an underworld concrete bunker and biding their time as they wait for the mysterious Ark, an air ship of some kind that will come and save them. The Ark proves to be an elaborate hoax, carefully designed to give hope to the malnourished and desperate denizens of the bunker, while in the meantime the dome that separates their miserable existence from the nuclear winter outside is slowly caving in.  What first striked me about the movie is the design of the bunker and the depiction of the survivors. The survivors are gaunt, filthy and terrible-looking penitents, dressed in rags and aimlessly wandering the neon-lit halls of the bunker like automatons. The bunker is a rundown, seedy place, with bright neon lights peering from all sides like the eyes of malignant beasts.  On one hand it is a slightly 80's depiction of the dystopian future but the movie never stoops down to MAD MAX cheese. Instead it combines biting political satire with the bleak outlook of a world with no future, black comedy with barbs on apathy, religion and power. The survivors, for example, are fed some kind of flour dropping from a tube that hovers in the air - later on we discover the food supervisor uses books and the Bible itself as filler for this meagre meal. There are many such short symbolic touches, perhaps not life-changing or faith-restoring, yet playful, clever and inspired.  One thing is for sure; O-BI, O-BA is not your run-of-the-mill sci-fi schlock. It overcomes its modest budget with creativity and has genuine artistic aspirations both from a writing and directing perspective. My opinion is that it should have been filmed in black and white instead of colour though. The director uses atmospheric light and shadow to great effect and it would have registered even better in stark black and white. The blue-green neon on the other hand outstays its welcome after a while. Just a minor gripe in an otherwise solid b-movie with its heart set in all the right places.  Imagine a less bleak THE ROAD (Cormac McCarthy) being injected with the satire and humour of DR.STRANGELOVE and you're getting there. See it if you can find it.

描述葛丽特与汉赛尔被抛弃在黑森林中,试图找寻食物,却误入女巫预备丰盛佳肴的屋子。  故事发生在很久很久以前,在一个遥远的村庄,女孩葛丽特(索菲娅·莉莉丝 饰)带着弟弟韩赛尔进入一片幽暗密林,饥寒交迫的两人原本希望可以在这里找到食物和工作,却遇上了令人恐惧的邪恶存在……


聚焦一对英国夫妇丽芙和威尔,他们似乎拥有一切:坚如磐石的婚姻,在远离家乡几千英里的纽约过着光鲜的新生活,他们还很年轻,觉得自己的人生还在前面,直到丽芙发现了威尔的婚外情。  心碎之后很快就会出现另一种情绪:愤怒,复仇是她唯一的选择。当威尔提议环游美国史诗国家公园、给他们的关系一个新的开始时,丽芙知道她的机会来了,一个梦想的假期和原本应该幸福的生活很快变成了现实中的噩梦。


为了追缉跨国犯罪分子,俄罗斯情报局特工伊戈尔•克列姆涅夫(弗拉基米尔•叶皮凡采夫 V. Yepifantsev 饰)来到哥伦比亚,但是行动失败,手下全部丧生。这让伊戈尔备受指责,他百口莫辩,被降职。为了戴罪立功,他接受了俄罗斯石油大亨索尔金的案子,后者被控偷税漏税并企图颠覆政府。伊戈尔去欧洲缉拿知悉索尔金犯罪证据的米哈伊尔•谢里克。期间,他结识了身材火辣、身手不凡的女间谍奥拉娃(奥莉加•法捷耶娃 Olga Fadeyeva 饰)。起初,伊戈尔误认为奥拉娃是敌人一伙,幸好同伴提醒,才让对方表明心迹,同仇敌忾。两人密切配合并取得了很好的战绩。某夜,伊戈尔正在淋浴,奥拉娃突然闯入,色诱于他。两人激情缠绵之时,她却用早已藏好的针管插入了他的身体,原来这一切不过是个阴谋……




供职于某药品公司服务部门的库伯(克里斯?马奎特 Chris Marquette 饰)是一个吊儿郎当混日子的小青年,他上班迟到、工作马虎、对同事恶作剧,种种恶习让主管玛丽安(Deborah Geffner 饰)大为不满。在库伯被解雇的那个早晨,一场未知的灾难突然袭来。当库伯从昏迷中苏醒时,发现全身缠满白茧,四周凌乱不堪。更令他难以置信的是,身形硕大的甲虫来往穿梭,对他进行猛烈的攻击。一番搏斗之后,库伯侥幸得胜,他随后营救了玛丽安及其女儿莎拉(Brooke Nevin 饰),但玛丽安最终被昆虫虏上天空。经过莎拉和库伯德一番努力,他们又拯救了多个被困的人类,这群幸存者必须想尽办法和这群巨大的昆虫进行搏斗,以抓住生存的机会……
