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美波(高木美佑 配音)是一名高中一年级的女生,最近,她对高尔夫球运动突然产生了浓厚的兴趣,只是,美波接触高尔夫球时间并不长,所以完全是一个懵懵懂懂的状态。此时,美波结识了同校高三的遥(天海由梨奈 配音)和彩花(后藤彩佐 配音)。 美波对于高尔夫球的热情深深的吸引了遥和彩花,被这份热情所感染,两人决定帮助美波顺利的渡过新手时期。彩花性格沉着而温柔,总是在情绪上抚慰着美波,而遥则拥有非常杰出的运动天赋,是一名出色的高尔夫球运动选手。在这两人的帮助之下,美波不断的挖掘着自己的潜力,同时三个女孩之间产生了坚不可摧的友谊。
一尊价值连城的佛头,牵扯出古玩界惊天骗局!民国年间文物界权威组织“五脉”掌门许一城,将武则天明堂佛头送至海外,被定罪为汉奸。半个世纪后,佛头归还,指明要许一城的后人,许家第三代许愿(雷佳音 饰)出面接收。许愿虽有一身鉴古本事,却因父亲许和平当年抛下自己而一蹶不振,混迹市井,如今佛头现世,五脉黄家后人黄烟烟(辛芷蕾 饰)又为他带来父亲离奇死亡的消息,许愿被卷入古董界的漩涡之中。寻宝重任、家族冤屈、五脉天才药不然(李现 饰)的步步紧逼、祖父故交付贵(葛优 饰)的追随和神秘人老朝奉的追击……许愿必须摆脱各方势力的纠缠,还要赶在回归仪式开始之前,查明佛头的真相。
First-time feature filmmaker Rebeca “Beba” Huntt undertakes an unflinching exploration of her own identity in the remarkable coming-of-age documentary/cinematic memoir BEBA. Reflecting on her childhood and adolescence in New York City as the daughter of a Dominican father and Venezuelan mother, Huntt investigates the historical, societal, and generational trauma she’s inherited... First-time feature filmmaker Rebeca “Beba” Huntt undertakes an unflinching exploration of her own identity in the remarkable coming-of-age documentary/cinematic memoir BEBA. Reflecting on her childhood and adolescence in New York City as the daughter of a Dominican father and Venezuelan mother, Huntt investigates the historical, societal, and generational trauma she’s inherited and ponders how those ancient wounds have shaped her, while simultaneously considering the universal truths that connect us all as humans. Throughout BEBA, Huntt searches for a way to forge her own creative path amid a landscape of intense racial and political unrest.