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如果没有了天才、数学家、艺术家、探索者和哲学家,人类的历史会如何演变呢据说一位孕妇有两个心脏,两个大脑 ,这是她未出生孩子最宝贵的财富之一。如今大脑智慧却面临着威胁,大量婴儿大脑受到威胁,这也威胁着人类的未来。未来,真的会是我们的未来吗?自二十世纪下叶开始,人类的智力水平不断下降,儿童患有多动症,注意力障碍,甚至是自闭症的数量不断上涨。我们变得越来越笨了,也越来越不健康了,也许世界上再也不会出现第二个巴赫与莫扎特了。而这一切究竟是什么引起的?也许你家中的杀虫剂和阻燃剂就是最大的凶手。
Over the course of nearly half a billion years, which deadly predator ranks as the biggest and baddest? Join us as we travel through time and across the world to present this terrifying top ten ranking. We uncover new evidence, put theories to the test, and feature icons like the Tyrannosaurus rex and the saber-toothed cat, plus lesser-known beasts like the terror bird and the ...