2014 欧美剧 英国

When a car is pulled from a river with a skeleton in its boot the pathologist reckons both have been there for a quarter of a century and eventually the dead man is shown to be Taylor Kane, one of the first black undercover officers, who disappeared at the time of the Brixton riots. Despite no corpse being found at the time his end of service record was signed by his superior o...

2011 欧美剧 英国

Natalie Chandler's friend hospital sister Logan reports suspected foul play following several deaths on her A and E ward,the last being when a young girl was given a fatal dose of prescription drugs. Chief suspect young Dr. Grant proves to be an unqualified impostor but he implicates elderly,pain-killer addicted colleague Dr. Austen,who was in charge when the other patients die...

2010 欧美剧 英国

英国BBC电视剧《Hustle》是一部另类的电视剧,目光对准了在伦敦市招摇撞骗的五个诈骗犯,虽然不像那些打打杀杀的犯罪分子们总是弄得血雨腥风,却依然看得人心惊肉跳。全剧由曾凭借《MI-5》获得英国学院奖的制作团队打造。  诈骗:一种无形的犯罪,手法是找出某人想要什么,然后再诱骗他们上当。Hustle是由MI-5的原班制作打造,描述五个一流的老千在伦敦市行骗的过程。他们专找具争议情的人物下手。他们的第一条行规是;不能骗老实人。

2015 欧美剧 英国

日前,曾凭借《殊途同归》获艾美奖的英国电视剧作家吉米·麦戈文宣布即将为BBC打造一部七集剧集《Banished》(暂译为【放逐之徒】)。小狼Russell Tovey 将与MyAnna Buring, Julian Rhind-Tutt和David Wenham等人一同出演这部剧集,它讲述的是在18世纪的澳大利亚,一群被英国流放到此的罪犯的故事。  一条来自BBC官方的简介形容道,这部剧讲述的是一群被流放的罪犯一同的生活,爱情,友谊和生存之战,以及那些在这一领地上监守统治着他们的士兵的故事。主演小狼Russell Tovey扮演的是男一号罪犯,剧中他将在到达流放地澳大利亚后努力地拼搏与奋斗,在另外一些罪犯协助下成为一名领导者,向人们传递理想主义信念,同时和残酷的军队少校产生了严峻的矛盾和冲突。  这部剧将于2014年4月在澳大利亚开拍,预计明年初登陆BB...

2004 欧美剧 英国
2021 欧美剧 南非,英国

While trying to relax after a tough year, Bishop, Pike and his family soon find themselves caught up in the frightening kidnap of a young girl.  Having befriended the young girl’s parents earlier that day, Bishop and Pike decide it’s their duty to use their expertise to help the couple win their daughter back. The kidnappers demand an unreasonable reward for the safe return of t...

2006 欧美剧 英国

喜欢偷盗题材的故事吗?风软将呈现给你一部曲折离奇悬念迭出的偷盗戏码——Hustle 对于团伙来说,Mickey就是头 儿,才智过人,作案计划都出自于他手。Albert是一个经验丰富的老千,晚年扮演起“设套者”的角色,找寻合适的受 害人,然后带着受害人走入“军团”的圈套。Ash则设计最合情合理的情境和用起来最顺手的作案工具,让你的戒备心 沦陷在最普通的情境里。Stacie随时准备用她女性的魅力去协助小团伙作案成功,美女的花招谁也躲不过。这样就够了 吗?不。在一个名叫Danny的年轻骗子被Mickey收归羽翼之后这个团队才趋于完美。 一部偷盗拐骗的教科书,一伙奉行 着诚实正直的人不骗,要填饱贪欲,永远为自己着想,作案不是为了金钱等原则的英国绅士淑女们呈现给观众的眼球大 餐——Hustle 还在为NBC的新剧HEIST被腰斩而痛心吗,停止悲伤吧,喜欢偷盗题...

2020 欧美剧 英国

Bulletproof follows two meijubar.net cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; they share a deep, fraternal relationship - and are always there for each other. However, they come from very different backgrounds and their pers...

2023 欧美剧 英国 / 荷兰
  Museum curator, who is run through with a ceremonial sword, used to live next to Jasmijn, who may have killed her young brothers 19 years ago.
2011 欧美剧 英国

New partner Sam Casey joins a grieving Ronnie to find out who shot Matt dead. Sam suspects an accomplice of the recently convicted Mark Ellis but the trail ultimately leads to Jamaal Clarkson,a youngster whose brother Kieran was murdered in 2003,though the police closed the case as a suicide. Jamaal believes they were not interested as Kieran was black and tells Ronnie he knows...

2021 欧美剧 英国


2004 欧美剧 英国

这是关于一群诈骗高手的故事,他们每周都会用令人意想不到的手段去完成一宗复杂的诈骗案。  Mickey(Adrian Lester饰)是这伙人的头儿,在诈骗圈子里属于顶尖高手,他们的作案计划一般都由他来完成。  Albert(Robert Vaughn饰)是一个经验丰富的诈骗老手,他的任务便是物色合适的诈骗对象并将他们带入套中。  Ash负责提供案件所需的一切场所及装备。  Stacie是这伙人中唯一的女性,往往用她的性感迷惑对方,是团队中不可缺少的人物。亦与Mickey有着暧昧的关系。  Danny(Marc Warren饰)是一个极具天赋的年轻人,帅气十足,被Mickey收为徒弟。他往往充当案件中的“男主角”。

2011 欧美剧 英国

臭名昭著的行骗首领Mickey Bricks (Adrian Lester饰)将携同党设局老将Albert Stroller (Robert Vaughn饰) 及别名'三袜'的技术特工Morgan (Robert Glenist饰) 回归银屏. 本季中, 同时回归的还有姐弟双雄Sean 和 Emma Kennedy (Kelly Adams

2023 欧美剧 英国,荷兰


2012 欧美剧 英国

The eighth series has been confirmed to air starting on Friday 6 January 2012 on BBC1 at 9pm. However creator Tony Jordan has said that this will be the last for at least a while and the last with the current cast. Guest stars featuring this season will include Sheila Hancock, Martin Kemp and Paterson Joseph.Peter Polycarpou and John Barrowman have also revealed on Twitter that...

2018 欧美剧 英国

Bulletproof follows two cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; they share a deep, fraternal relationship - and are always there for each other. However, they come from very different backgrounds and their personal motivati...

2007 欧美剧 英国

As Mickey leaves for a big score in Australia, Danny steps up to the mark as the gangs new leader, but can he convince a greedy American businessman to buy the Hollywood Hills sign?

2024 欧美剧 英国 / 美国
  这是一部强有力的角色驱动型惊悚剧,设定在当代伦敦的中心。故事讲述一通匿名电话将两位才华横溢的警探卷入了一起旧谋杀案。June Lenker警长,是一个处于事业初期的年轻女性;Daniel Hegarty高级督察,则是一位人脉宽广的男性,他下定决心保护自己的过往成就。
2022 欧美剧 英国
  Dutch detective Van der Valk is called in to investigate the grisly and theatrical murder of a solicitor. As a cryptic note discovered within her jacket alludes to further murders, the race is on to undercover the truth.
2009 欧美剧 英国

UK version of the long-running U.S. TV drama that tells the stories of two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.

2010 欧美剧 英国

Five-year-old Connor Reid is strangled and security cameras show the two little girls who baby-sit him, Paige and prostitute's daughter Rose, take him into the empty flat where his corpse was found. In interview Paige breaks down and names Rose as the killer, though, in court, Rose's brief Kim Sharkey invites the court to accept Paige as the guilty party and forensics seem to i...

2015 欧美剧 英国

1827年,泰晤士河警察局的高级警督、参加过滑铁卢战役的老兵John Marlott在一次抓捕行动后,站在河岸边,一声尖利的警哨吸引了他的注意——水面上漂浮着一个小型物体。Marlott走近后,发现那是一个大约十岁的小女孩子尸体。尸体上满是粗糙的缝线,看起来非常可怕。Marlott俯下身子去碰触死者的手,死者的手竟然抓住了他! 英国内政大臣Robert Peel爵士对此事高度警觉,要Marlott偷偷展开私人调查。同时,史密斯菲尔德区圣巴特医院的首席外科医生William Chester爵士告诉Marlott,他找到的「小女孩」是由七到八具尸体的器官「拼装」起来的,形态虽然像人,但样貌异常诡异。准确地说,她是一个人形怪物。随着调查的深入,Marlott见到了神秘的弗兰肯斯坦医生…… 他意识到自己正面对远远超出想象的恐怖事件

2005 欧美剧 英国

Hustle 对于团伙来说,Mickey就是头儿,才智过人,作案计划都出自于他手。Albert是一个经验丰富的老千,晚年扮演起“设套者”的角色,找寻合适的受害人,然后带着受害人走入“军团”的圈套。Ash则设计最合情合理的情境和用起来最顺手的作案工具,让你的戒备心沦陷在最普通的情境里。Stacie随时准备用她女性的魅力去协助小团伙作案成功,美女的花招谁也躲不过。这样就够了吗?不。在一个名叫Danny的年轻骗子被Mickey收归羽翼之后这个团队才趋于完美。  一部偷盗拐骗的教科书,一伙奉行着诚实正直的人不骗,要填饱贪欲,永远为自己着想,作案不是为了金钱等原则的英国绅士淑女们呈现给观众的眼球大餐——Hustle 还在为NBC的新剧HEIST被腰斩而痛心吗,停止悲伤吧,喜欢偷盗题材的剧迷看好了,英国BBC公司2004年出品的HUSTLE是同题材的上佳之作,一个...

2009 欧美剧 英国

偷盗是门手艺,更是艺术。  Albert老谋深算,是团队中的长者,更是“下诱饵”的那个人。  Mickey Stone 是队伍的青年领袖,负责全局谋划。  Danny 和 Stacie 07年之后就离开队伍了。换了一男一女。Sean Kennedy和Emma Kennedy。  ---------------------------------------------  HUSTLE  Thursday 08 January  9:00pm - 10:00pm  BBC1  There are a dozen reasons to find Hustle infuriating, but somehow it always manages to float above them and become enjoyable. As series five begins, ...

2009 欧美剧 英国

When a police constable, Nick Bentley, is shot by drug dealers while on foot patrol it seems like a pretty straightforward case. Brooks and Devlin eventually locate a witness who identifies one of the parties to the drug transaction and he finally tells the police what really happened. The witness also tells them something else: she saw another police constable standing in the ...

2013 欧美剧 英国

A car left on a level crossing causes a crash which kills fifteen people though the driver cannot be found. Initially the police, led by Natalie Chandler's replacement, the recently promoted Wes Leyton, suspect the car owner, the unpleasant Michael Gennis, but learn that the car was stolen and the actual driver, Finn Tyler, intended to kill himself by driving onto the track but...

1984 欧美剧 英国

天文学知识空白、文学知识空白、哲学知识空白、政治学不及格--这就是歇洛克·福尔摩斯。可是,这又有什么关系?对这位世界上最伟大的私家侦探来说,能否完成缜密绝伦的推理、能否厘清最扑朔迷离的案情、能否破解最匪夷所思的案件、能否挑战最惊险刺激的冒险……这些,才是真正值得他关注并能给他带来无限快感的东西。讹诈、勒索、谋杀、离奇命案……这一次,声名显赫的歇洛克·福尔摩斯仍将叼着他的老烟斗,一脸精明悍练的表情,带领我们步入又一个惊心动魄、神秘诡异的历险之旅……  剧集包括:  Season 1, Episode 1: A Scandal in Bohemia《波希米亚丑闻案》24 April 1984  Season 1, Episode 2: The Dancing Men《跳舞的人》1 May 1984  Season 1, Episode 3: The Naval ...

2024 欧美剧 英国

The team is back and ready to tackle more of Amsterdam’s criminal underworld.

2024 欧美剧 英国
  The team is back and ready to tackle more of Amsterdam’s criminal underworld.