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在一场艺术品拍卖会上,汤姆(丹尼斯·霍珀 Dennis Hopper 饰)遇见了名为乔纳森(布鲁诺·甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)的男人。乔纳森患有血液方面的疾病,这对于他那并不富裕的家庭来说无异于雪上加霜。黑手党找到了汤姆希望他能够帮他们完成一项暗杀任务,不愿意铤而走险的汤姆想到了乔纳森。 汤姆向乔纳森保证,如果后者能够代替他完成任务,那么汤姆的家庭将会得到一大笔的报酬,与此同时,汤姆贿赂了乔纳森的主治医师,两人合伙蒙骗了乔纳森,让他以为自己的病情发生了急速恶化。就这样,心中充满了痛苦和绝望的乔纳森走上了一条不归路,而看着乔纳森苦苦挣扎的模样,汤姆的心中竟然也产生了一种说不清道不明的情绪。
Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.
In this third installment of the 'Pusher' trilogy, we follow Milo (Zlatko Buric), the drug lord from the two first films. He is aging, he is planning his daughter's 25th birthday and his shipment of heroin turns out to be 10.000 pills of ecstasy. When Milo tries to sell the pills anyway, all Hell breaks loose. (Slavko Labovic). - Written by larsthebellhop@ofir,dk