2005 剧情片 其它
  Bipedalism, or 'two-footed walking', is the story of a painter who grew up in an orphanage and only years later learns the circumstances of his father's disappearance and death. Childhood memories bring the main character back to the past he buys a house in the suburbs that used to belong to his family. In the basement, he finds his father's archives and scientific research documents on the hybridization of human race with related biological species. Studying the archive material, he unexpectedly finds evidence of efforts to renew the experiments on the remaining hybrid population. The painter then becomes a researcher, and consequently a victim. The basic idea of his father's research was to change, control and influence the process of human evolution - initially connected with eugenics theories of the period before World War II, and now being placed in a context of modern 'biotechnological' expectations by his former colleagues. The main character tries to recreate and realize his father's heritage, who was forced to cooperate with state terror organizations, using the results of his secret research. In a tragic manner, this information turns into the main character's reality, at first forcing him to reappraise his father's values and later driving him to madness.
2021 剧情片 其它
2017 剧情片 其它
1933 剧情片 美国
  A massive earthquake strikes the United States, which destroys the West Coast and unleashes a massive flood that threatens to destroy the East Coast as well.  If you're wondering about this film and why it's dubbed in Italian, then read the following comment from IMDb  I have always wondered about the disappearance of Deluge. Why for so many years, seemingly since it's release in 1933, this film vanished from the face of the earth. After seeing it, courtesy of the efforts of Mr. Wade Williams Co., I'm still puzzled, but I have a theory. In 1933, the code was enacted that pretty much took care of sex and violence in Hollywood. While not an explicit film by any means, Deluge does deal fairly frankly with sexuality, lust and rape. I wonder if RKO discovered they had a film that they could not re-release, much like the fabled lost Warner Bros. comedy Convention City. It's a shame for, while it is a dated film, I find it quite unique and surprising for it's era and a fairly successful attempt to create something different in an era when films were already becoming cookie cutter by-products of the studio machine (not that many of those cookies aren't tasty, mind you). And even though the only available copy at this writing is dubbed into Italian, I don't find that a hinderance. An excellent job was done in subtitling the film, and much of the film is visual anyway.
2010 剧情片 其它
  长着翅膀的小女孩Viegeltje(Kenadie Jourdin 饰)被观鸟爱好者Warre(Huub Stapel 饰)发现,将其带回家,和妻子Tine(Joke Tjalsma 饰)一起抚养她。但小鸟孩在能振动双翅之后,便一直渴望和鸟群一起南飞,于是一段伴随亲情、 友情和梦想的冒险之旅就此开始……
1972 剧情片 其它
  是一部1972年的东德苏联保加利亚合拍科幻电影,改编自东德作家 Angel Wagenstein 的同名科幻小说。  八艘太空飞船同时消失三天,Margot空间站也突然无线电失联。Maria 教授和太空理事会被迫下令,直到查明突发事件的原因前,禁止所有飞船离开地球。但一个神秘的「Eolomea计划」逐渐浮出水面,来自天鹅座的信号将把人们引向何方?  影片评价:   是一部令人印象深刻、节奏紧凑的科幻作品,影片中大胆地运用了非线性叙述,各种叙述线索夹杂其中,并最终交汇在一起。  影片在布景、服装和配乐上下来很大功夫,着力营造出了一个真实的太空旅行时代的乌托邦场景。演员的表演也是非常一流,俄国、东德、保加利亚的演员人物形象塑造得非常立体。尤其是扮演女主角的德国女星,留下不少美颜动人的镜头。  本片同时还有很多值得讨论深思的「终极命题」,比如个人命运与组织的关系;人类的终极使命的问题;官僚体系束缚与理想的关系;机器人的道德与服从,等等问题。