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小宝(杨亮俞 饰)的父母正在协商离婚,他们将小宝送往了乡下,暂时和爷爷共同生活。从车水马龙的大都市来到僻静的乡村,小宝感到十分不习惯,心情因此闷闷不乐。小宝转入了当地一所只有二十七个学生的学校念书,在那里,他遇见了绰号“大熊”的女生。尽管大熊和小宝同龄,但过的却是与他截然不同的困苦生活,这让小宝十分感慨。大熊和名为名诠的男孩成为了好友,而名诠偷偷喜欢的正是大熊。在名诠的带领下,小宝在自由自在的乡间尽情挥洒着汗水,领略到了人生别样的滋味。与此同时,心灵得到的解放亦让小宝开始思考起了人生、友情和亲情的重要性。©豆瓣
Different Drummers is based on a true story about two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid 1960s. In this more innocent time, when body builder Jack Lalanne ruled the airwaves, the two heroes, a couple of elementary school students, make a bold attempt to triumph over mortality through friendship. Eleven year old David is slowing down and is now wheelchair-bound by muscular dystrophy, while Lyle can't stop speeding up. Back then, he was referred to as having a condition called MDB (Minimal Brain Dysfunction) but today he would be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Lyle wants more than anything to get David out of his wheelchair and running again, and he concocts a wild scheme involving a science project, some firemen, drummers, the school principal, a cop and a hand-walk across the school gymnasium, among other things. It works like this Inspired by his TV idol, Lalanne, and his message of intestinal fortitude and willpower, Lyle manages to convince David that ...
幼儿园放暑假这天,大班的孟璐(6岁)小朋友没有家长来接,林老师(20岁)只好把她带回自己家里。林老师接到院长的通知,孟璐的妈妈出了车祸,其他家人又都不在身边。林老师很同情孟璐,准备取消原定欧洲的度假,留下来照顾孟璐,但林老师的妈妈林母(46岁)却主动把照顾孩子的事包揽下来。这天晚上,林老师的双胞胎妹妹林小小(20岁)从省城回家暂住。林小小在省城的舞厅当领舞女郎,和林老师、林母的关系很不好,双方格格不入。 第二天,孟璐阴差阳错地跟着林小小(误以为是林老师)来到了省城。从这天开始,幼儿园里的小公主孟璐开始了她“罗马假日”般的暑期生活。一天,孟璐误喝了林小小室友放过安眠药的果汁而沉睡不醒,被紧急送去医院洗胃。一番折腾下来,慢慢拉近了林小小和孟璐之间的距离。但没想到意外再次发生,孟璐意外走失,刚巧此时林妈妈也赶到了省城。林母和林小小在寻找孟璐的过程中,将之前...
1942年夏,八路军胶东军区东海独立团三营二连撤退时救下五个性格各异的孩子。在准备移交地方组织时,队伍遭遇日军袭击,两名接送人员牺牲。这次经历给五个孩子很大的心理影响,重返部队后,他们逐渐与连长和战士们融洽起来。 不久,著名的三都河之战打响,二连奉命阻击日军。在日军疯狂进攻下,二连战士指战员几乎全部受伤和牺牲。关键时刻五个孩子冲了上来,他们奋勇抗击鬼子,终于在太阳落山前守住了阵地,三顺和杨万昌负伤,二壮和善慧壮烈牺牲。 六十余年后,清明节,七八十岁的英子和三顺、杨万昌在少先队员的陪同下瞻仰烈士陵园,在连长、二壮、善慧等人的墓碑前,他们唱起了那首古老的“太阳脸”歌谣。
The family preparing for their grandfather’s ancestral offering, forget to buy bean sprouts. Like Abbas Kiarostami’s Where Is My Friend’s House, a girl gets lost on her way to market. She ends up in a house of an old man in a straw hat. That night on the ancestral offering table, she puts a sunflower she got from the old man.