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There is a geography of miracles. Jonasz studies insects and fishes, Signe leaves and herbs. After a day spent in gardens and libraries, they meet, take the train and leave the city, pitching their tent on the shores of a lake. As they read, eat fruit, wander the forest and swim in the cold water, the outside world feels further and further away. A stranger appears and a trio i...
解剖学发明以来,人体奥秘开始为世人所知所见。然而,大家习惯的始终是那副最表面的臭皮囊,或留恋或厌倦,或拥抱或憎恶。假如能深入体腔,即时观察微肌细理,体液流动,可会了悟个中奥妙,那欲肉不为肉所欲的真义?得到医院前线及技术人员协助,韦莲娜柏丽芙与路西安卡斯当泰来再现了内窥和 微创手术的影像,辅以病人和医护的生活点滴,让作为关怀、痛苦、希望和被宰制场所的身体,成了光影景观的主角。血肉不再模糊的结果,可会对人文多一份凝视?