2020 动作片 印度
2021 动作片 印度
2021 动作片 俄罗斯
  《12把椅子》小说中的骗子主角奥斯塔普·本德尔的前传故事。  1919年。命运使得年轻的理想主义者奥修与土耳其臣民、骗子易卜拉欣·本德展开对决。正直的奥修永远不会和这样一个肆无忌惮、狡猾的骗子联系在一起,除非他们被一场极其危险的冒险结合在一起——追捕国王的遗物,一根珍贵的魔杖,当地的土匪和白军军官毫不关心。在一系列令人眩晕的冒险中,奥修被迫向易卜拉欣学习迷人的奉承、微妙的欺骗、诱人的勒索以及…野蛮的力量。所有这一切——都是为了让这个城市最纯洁的女孩爱上他!或者说是致命的外国美女……
2021 动作片 俄罗斯
  《12把椅子》小说中的骗子主角奥斯塔普·本德尔的前传故事。  帝国的黄金狩猎仍在继续。一根无价的魔杖,一个本应在阳光明媚的里约热内卢提供童话般生活的宝藏,从易卜拉欣·本德尔和他的年轻学生奥斯塔普顽强的手中溜走,落入内斯托尔·马赫诺手中。他确信,这并不是唯一隐藏在附近的珍贵文物。因此,红军、白军、土匪和游击队参与了一场争夺神话黄金的比赛,奥斯塔和欺诈大师易卜拉欣必须超越自己,以免被抓住并获得魔杖。同时,他还赢得了一个美丽女孩的信任,她对奥斯塔感到失望,并结婚了。
2016 动作片 印度
  萨勒曼(赫里尼克·罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan 饰)是一个浑身上下都充满了正义感的男人,在他所生活的村庄里,一旦发生了什么不公平的事情,村民们都习惯找萨勒曼出来主持公道。叔叔让萨勒曼前往摩亨佐·达罗参加在那里举行的赶集,萨勒曼从来没有见过如此热闹的场面,内心里充满了激动,可是他发现元老马汉姆(卡伯·贝迪 Kabir Bedi 饰)的儿子竟然利用自己的身份故意抬高价格欺压百姓,这让萨勒曼感到非常的愤怒。  在集市上,萨勒曼邂逅了名为詹妮(普佳·赫格尔 Pooja Hegde 饰)的女子,一下子就坠入了情网,可是詹妮的父亲是一个阴险狡诈的男人,他可不会让自己的女儿嫁给这样一个无名小卒。
1958 科幻片 其它
  As its title suggests THE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE is an awe -inspiring, meticulous cinematic rendering of the aesthetic and conceptual inventions of proto-science fiction genius Jules Verne, based on one of the famed author's lesser known short stories. However, the real star of the film is the intricate art direction, successfully rendering the visual style of nineteenth century woodcuts and engravings into motion pictures, creating a stylized and surreal graphic world within which Verne’s fanciful tale unfolds. A brilliant scientist, Dr. Roche, perches high above a stormy sea, inventing a powerful explosive, when he and his assistant are kidnapped by an evil businessman, Artigas. Taken by submarine to Artigas' volcano headquarters, Roche is tricked into developing his experiment for evil intentions. The scientist’s assistant, Simon, struggles all the while to free himself and warn Roche. A magical world of baroque submarines and sailing ships, killer octopus, undersea bicycles dazzles audiences as human actors, puppetry, animation and fanciful scenic design interact to create a cinematic experience that is unique by any standards. Mixing slapstick comedy, action adventure pacing and Mélies style film magic, this little known Czechoslovakian gem transcends the juvenile literature at its source to create cinematic art of the highest order....
2001 动作片 其它
1988 科幻片 其它
  改编自叔叔杰西·祖拉斯基(Jerzy Zulawski)的科幻小说杰作《月球三部曲》,故事描述人类逃离毁灭的地球,飞船坠落在银色星球上,不久后有人开始在星球上进行造神运动,然信徒分化后一派奉此外来政权为神,另一派则视之为魔,人性贪婪的劣根性,在这星球上暴露的一览无遗……  本片被誉为是“一部拍给另一个世界的人看的电影”。影评人一致推崇这部片是导演安德烈·祖拉斯基电影生涯中,最具史观、野心勃勃且兼具后现代主义的科幻哲思电影,也是他重回故乡波兰拍摄的归乡代表作。  这部充满争议的杰作,安德烈以非常风格化又带着原始情欲的方式,传达其所钟爱的命题:一则后现代主义式的寓言。故事的结局,地球人不但改变原本的内在,连外在也慢慢变成介于人与鸟的中间物种。这种由内而外,进而转化成另一物种的隐喻,也为这部犹如政治寓言的科幻史诗,更添加了奇幻色彩。  1977年当影片拍好八成时,新上任的波兰文化助理大臣禁止此片拍摄,并下令销毁场景、布置和服装,直到1986年波兰民主化,本片才跟着其它禁片出土。本片同时也发掘了戛纳影后克里斯提娜·杨达的潜能,拍摄这部处女作不久,她成为基耶斯洛夫斯基及瓦伊达最喜爱的女演员,也成为波兰的国民影后。
1998 恐怖片 其它
  SUPERCOOL马其顿动作幻想片!  sometimes i think it's a shame that movies like this one don't get the exposure that they deserve - that very few people will get to enjoy them... but sometimes, i think that the lack of exposure is what makes movies like this one - if indie was mainstream it wouldn't have been indie, would it... so, the best thing i could say about Zbogum na 20 vek is a that it's a great movie, but it's not for everyone. the story is rather controversial, the level of blood and gore on screen is rather high (it makes the US horror flicks from the '90s look like kindergarten cartoons) and the editing... well, it's so uneven, that it might induce vomiting... however, if you have the stomach to go over these things, chances are that you will love this film, because it is indeed full of heart. if you don't love it, watch it again... once you know what's happening in the movie it will be much easier for you to pick up all the small details that not only make the scenes look cooler, but also deeper (i have a theory that the whole movie could be seen through symbols only, but it's too long to write it down here)... none of my friends liked it at first, but after two or three viewings, they find it at least respectable if not outright brilliant... so, to cut things up, if you can find this movie, see it by all means. 9.510
2008 动作片 印度
  本片讲述了16世纪莫卧儿王朝第三代君主阿克巴大帝(里提克·罗申 Hrithik Roshan 饰)与妻子拉杰普特族公主珠妲(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai 饰)之间的爱情故事。  为了建立一个幅员辽阔的帝国,阿克巴大帝一路征战,在征服了兴都库什山脉之后,他将帝国从阿富汗扩张到孟加拉湾,从喜马拉雅山到哥达维利河。作为一个终身信奉伊斯兰教的君主,为了表示他对印度教徒的尊重,阿克巴与印度教拉杰普特族联姻。这赢得了为他效忠的拉杰普特族人的跟随,给了他很大的力量支持,然而拉杰普特族公主珠妲却不甘于成为宗教政治和宫廷争斗中的棋子,深藏怨恨。征战疆场上的阿克巴大帝最终又能否赢得公主珠妲的心,获得真爱。
2020 动作片 其它
  A heavy summer storm brings a touring horse circus to Kaltenbach, the stud farm where Ari now calls home. Ari finds friendship in the circus boy Carlo and gets introduced to the fascinating world of trick riding. Soon Ari notices that the show horse Hurricane, aging and injured, is still being forced to perform by the cruel circus director Yiri. Ari and Carlo enlist Ari’s faithful black stallion Windstorm in a plan to save Hurricane, but Yiri has other plans which will endanger Windstorm. It will require some last minute help from Mika to save both magnificent creatures.
1964 恐怖片 其它
  故事发生在巴西东北部,一名工人出于自卫杀死了老板,开始逃亡。一路上他目睹地主对农民的残酷剥削,便发奋当了一名侠客兼土匪,宣传暴力革命,还土地于人民。这是一部非常暴力的政治影片,其主题和倾向非常明显,但片中融合了大量民俗的元素。  本片被众多评论家誉为是巴西电影史上最重要的一部电影。这是一部刻画人物生动的,给人深刻不灭印象的电影杰作,多来一直被认为是巴西乃至整个南美电影史上永恒的一部杰作。
1977 恐怖片 其它
  這是一部意大利驚悚片,是個沒出名的經典作品。  故事的開始是在全國各地旅行的年輕夫婦,他們犯了一個錯誤,就是接受了一個搭便車者,而這不速之客竟然是一個暴力犯罪的銀行劫匪。  這部驚悚巧妙的掌握到瘋狂轉折的情節。攝影很時尚,有美麗的鄉村。音樂雖然有點不搭,但也很棒。此外,還有相當數量的暴力和裸體。  這部電影的真正亮點在於三位明星,他們在整部影片中都有搶眼的表現。  Franco Nero的表演令人信服,是個嗜酒的記者,對妻子漸漸感到厭倦。飾演妻子的Corinne Clery同樣疲憊於Nero,而她有個動人的身材。這種情況正好給惡棍大衛赫斯提供了絕佳的機會……  imdb評論
1970 科幻片 其它
  When a comet passes the earth very closely, it pulls a small part of North Africa with it. Carried along is a bunch of people. Among them Angelika, who just escaped from a ruthless weapon dealer's ship, and her two brothers, who are searching her. Then there's a group of natives, who plan a rebellion against the French colonists. All these conflicts become secondary when the people finally realize that they are doomed to live together on an alien planet. However this time of peace and world-happiness won't last for long...
1971 剧情片 其它
  内容简介:  19世纪中叶,在瑞典南部斯迈兰(Smaland)的一个农村小社区里住着一对年轻夫妇,克里斯蒂娜和卡尔·奥斯卡。他们靠着一小块贫瘠的土地勉强度日。世事艰难,人们遭遇到恶劣天气,收成锐减,一片凄凉。这对夫妇的第一个孩子因饥饿偷食了食物而死去。这次饥荒加上孩子的死,使得母亲接受了父亲移民美国的决定。他们同另一个躲避宗教迫害的家庭和一名逃避恶妻的男子等人一起结伴同行。  电影余下的部分描述他们乘坐一艘摇曳的航船的艰难旅程,他们穿越了大西洋和内陆,最终来到了现今的美国明尼苏达州。整个迁移花费了10周时间。在明尼苏达州,那些死里逃生的移民将在这个新世界里开始他们的新生活……  本片是一部北欧人移民到美国的史诗电影。片中尽是长镜头及壮观的大自然景象。从《征服者佩尔》中可以看到本片的影子。由马克斯·冯·西多与丽芙·乌曼主演,曾获奥斯卡最佳影片提名奖。
2015 动作片 其它
2021 动作片 西班牙
  Set in 1978, the film marks the fourth joint effort between Monzón and Jorge Guerricaechevarría, and tells the action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled story of 17-year-old Nacho Cañas, an introverted student who lives in Girona and who is something of a misfit. When he meets El Zarco and Tere, young delinquents from the city’s Chinatown district, he gets caught up in a love triangle that leads him to indulge in an unrelenting onslaught of thievery, burglary and hold-ups that will change his life forever. The film is the chronicle of the summer during which Nacho experienced his first love and came of age, constantly crossing the boundary between two worlds, and overstepping the line that exists between right and wrong, between justice and injustice.
1982 剧情片 其它
2020 剧情片 其它
  Vlad has just moved and joined one of the most famous magical schools in the world, where he meets fairies, witches, trolls and dwarfs. Him and his father are the first vampires in town, but he soon meets other special kids.
2017 剧情片 西班牙
  Amazon rainforest, 1538. King Carlos V de España y I de Alemania sends a group of Spanish soldiers to the new continent to locate Teziutlan, a legendary city created with gold, to claim it to the Spanish Empire. Alone in the rainforest and without a help, soldiers face not only indigenous tribes but the manifest hate themselves by their respective birth places. Leaded by old Don Gonzalo, married with young Doña Ana, his aging and weak health turns in danger Ana, who is disputed by Alférez Gorriamendi, Gonzalo's right-hand, and soldier Martín Dávila. After to realize that Viceroy of Port Prince has send another expedition looking for them leaded by Juan Medrano after to accuse Don Gonzalo of treason, Dávila, Gorriamendi and other soldiers as Sargento Bastaurrés and Barbate must decide if fight against Medrano's and his men or continue until Teziutlan. But the rivalry and hate between them will reveal more dangerous than the own rainforest and the indigenous tribes
2019 剧情片 其它
  After Jason (9) is abandoned by his mother at a folk festival, he takes refuge in a forest cabin belonging to a mute loner. A series of circumstances eventually lead them to form a family - something both have lacked for a while.
2015 剧情片 其它
  The Speed Sisters are the first all-woman race car driving team in the Middle East. Grabbing headlines and turning heads at improvised tracks across the West Bank, these five women have sped their way into the heart of the gritty, male-dominated Palestinian street car-racing scene. Weaving together their lives on and off the track, SPEED SISTERS takes you on a surprising journey into the drive to go further and faster than anyone thought you could.
1919 剧情片 其它
  In San Francisco, the sportsman Kay Hoog tells to the members of a club that he has found a message in a bottle with a map from a Harvard's missing professor telling about a treasure of an Inca lost civilization still alive. He decides to go to Peru to seek the gold. However, members of the secret criminal organization The Spiders leaded by Lio Sha break in Kay's mansion during the night and steal the map. Kay Hoog travels to Peru, where he retrieves his map and a document about the Diamond Ship from The Spiders. Later he saves the Priestess of the Sun Naela and brings her to San Francisco. However, The Spiders kill Naela and Kay Hoog promises revenge for the death of his love
1987 剧情片 其它
1977 剧情片 其它
  9岁的“狮心面包圈”患结核病,而且知道他会死很快。哥哥狮心约拿丹在一次火灾中救人死去,弟弟后来也因病过世,死去后到了天堂,片中那个地方叫“南极优勒”。见到了哥哥,在天堂里哥哥仍然行善除恶,后来在那里又一次死去,从天堂又可以飞升到另一个更高的世界“南极利勒”。狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的刻……胆小的狮心面包干是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。  书中的主人公是一位小男孩斯科尔班,身体虚弱、胆小怕事。而他的哥哥约拿旦•狮心,勇敢、英俊、强壮又无所不知,非常疼爱弟弟。当他害怕死去时,哥哥告诉他:人死后将去就会到南极亚拉,在那里他会立刻变得健康、强壮起来,甚至会变得英俊。在那里,从早到晚都可以参加历险,那里还处于篝火与童话的时代。在家里的一次大火灾之后,白鸽子引导他们先后去了南极亚拉,在那里的樱桃谷如天堂一般,但是生活在附近的蔷薇谷的人们却在暴君腾格尔的统治下,过着恐惧、受奴役、没有自由的生活。于是,狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的时刻,终于把南极亚拉从暴君腾格尔、恶魔卡特拉手中解放出来。但是,最后哥哥也被恶龙卡特拉的火焰烧着了(而那是致命的)……胆小的斯科尔班是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。以及他们如何渡过难关,最终取得胜利。这些只有自己通过阅读去体会才会难以忘怀。旧时光定格,久远地印在心里。一点迷惑,一点莫名的感伤。像早上第一堂课,老师的嘴里唠叨着什么,每个字都重复着“睡吧睡吧”,同学们的脸孔遥远陌生。眼神迷离,不敢彻底伏下头去,等一声惊叫闯来,或者一个玩笑传来。时间过的慢极了,下课铃似乎永远不会响起。  一种童年,一个神奇温暖的梦幻世界。
2008 剧情片 其它
  冒险始于1906年的旧金山,文学评论家汉弗莱在萨克拉门托渡轮。此后不久,在大雾中轮船与一货运船舶相撞。汉弗莱在水中漂流,半死不活最后被帆船“鬼”救起。 这个猎人“鬼”听令于拉森,拉森将太平洋航行看作最喜欢的狩猎场,他是残酷的队长,没有任何同情心,他愤怒地拒绝把汉弗莱救上岸。为了生存,汉弗莱必须尽快适应航海世界无情而粗暴的法则。
1954 剧情片 其它
1913 剧情片 其它
2019 剧情片 俄罗斯
1968 剧情片 其它
  在Jodorowsky的所有我们能看到的电影里——除过之后的《獠牙》跟《彩虹贼》,这部他早期长篇电影《凡多和莉丝》相比起他大名鼎鼎的《鼹鼠》,《圣山》和《圣血》显得十分不起眼。    不过这部影片维持了Jodorowsky影片一贯的光怪陆离,开始的镜头就是侧躺在桌子上的莉丝生吃掉一朵花,整个故事是一对情侣凡多和他腿有残疾的女朋友莉丝一起去寻找传说中神秘的“Tar之城“一路上的经历,途中不断的有不同的怪人诱惑凡多离开双腿不能动的莉丝,甚至还有凡多的母亲,而他们却好象一直都无法离开原来的地方——酷似煤矿的小山,途中还时常出现他们的幻象(时间太久,记不清楚具体的,大家自己看),在找到了Tar之后,凡多却终于忍受不了莉丝,将她暴打致死,后来他十分懊悔,按照莉丝生前的愿望将她埋葬,在坟头上放上了一朵花,并自己躺在她坟墓旁,直到落下的树叶几乎将他埋没,至此,影片在异常欢快的音乐中结束。    不过也许是由于对宗教的生僻和文化背景的不同,据说这部影片在墨西哥阿卡普尔科电影节首映的时候观众被吓的四散而走,是因为受不了影片中残忍的镜头,不过看了这部影片我居然莫名其妙的感伤起来,我都不知道我该去想些什么,而Jodorowsky也由此开始他被放逐到海外拍片的生涯,不过之后才有了更经典的《鼹鼠》,《圣山》和《圣血》,也更富有反宗教的意味,相比起《凡多和莉丝》更加被观众认同。    可能此片仅仅是他古怪念头的最初尝试,虽然情节很古怪,可倒也不至于不知所云,凡多和莉丝他俩寻找的这座“Tar之城”是个异常奇妙的地方,所有的城池在大灾难降临后都被毁了,只有Tar还矗立着,所以人们传说只要到了Tar,就可以获得食物跟美酒,甚至可以获得永恒;到了Tar,才可以真正理解生命,可以爱也可以被爱,会着迷于未来,而且,Tar永远不会遗弃任何一个人…如此完美的地方,可以看成是个严重理想化的境地,接近理想国的过程自然有荆棘和劫难,更要经受意志的考验,而只有知道如何达成理想的人才能最终实现理想,一开始,凡多和莉丝相信只要找到Tar莉丝一定可以重新走路,而他们所有的问题也都会解决,所以说凡多和莉丝可以说是失败了,尽管他们找到了他们的目标,但最终还是被湮灭在了对过分理想化的Tar的畅想中,这也是我觉得这个故事还存在了一丝凄美味道的原因,凡多和莉丝的爱情悲剧可能正因为他俩的迷茫,虽然有生活的方向,却并不知道如何去达成自己的理想,最后演变为绝望,末路,自我以及互相伤害,这多多少少也印证了那个年代青年的心态——尽管Jodorowsky可能并没想这么说。    精彩的配乐也是Jodorowsky所有影片的共同特点,可惜只找到《鼹鼠》的原声,包括本片在内的其他几部的原声只好继续寻觅了,我尤其是特别喜欢莉丝唱的那首“当我死后,将我埋在….”,曲调很是优美,声音也很有质感,尽管有那么点感伤,好象预知了这可怜女人的结局一样。    还有就是,片头的那些画,我不知道它们是否也是宗教画,也不知道是否因为没有看明白那些画造成我对本片理解的偏差,所以希望懂的朋友给我解答吧,对于这样的影片我只能介绍,而尽可能的少去评论了。
2015 剧情片 其它
  Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This raises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard.
1976 剧情片 其它
  一个小组学生乘公共汽车去一个小镇, 为了完成专业实践。 所有人都是朋友, 并且他们决定唱一些现代歌曲, 使其它乘客设法睡觉。 乘客的当中一个生气和呼喊中止了他们。 但当他们到达镇子, 知道事件以后, 大家对待他们好象罪犯一样。
2018 剧情片 其它
  This is the story about man who had a great way. His adventures and losses, his life make you to be surprised. We invite you in the middle ages - a times of darkness, of heroes, of big power and of eternity love.
1924 动作片 美国

George Bryan Brummel, a British military officer, loves Lady Margery, the betrothed of Lord Alvanley. Despite her own desperate love for Brummel, she submits to family pressure and marries Lord Alvanley. Brummel, broken-hearted, embarks upon a life of revelry. He befriends the Prince of Wales and leaves the army, becoming subsequently the best-known rake and decider of fashion in Europe. As his affairs flourish, so does his disdain for his benefactor, the Prince. Eventually Brummel falls into disfavor, and it is only Lady Margery who has any chance of helping him.
