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Paul was raised as a girl after his sister died. He has been collecting dolls ever since. But that has left him troubled and he was unable to cope with the pressure of a medicine degree. He now returns to his home town to work as a gardener at a local mansion. But after he arrives, murders start to happen. Is he responsible or are the answers in his nightmares
The occupants of a van transporting a wounded excursionist have to avoid sitting next to her during the trip.
当康复中的酒鬼Robert(Pau Masó)回到布达佩斯与朋友们重新联系时;他也遇到了神秘的Hugo(Matthew Crawley),一个高大蓝眼睛的陌生人,他给了他最渴望的东西,迅速获得了他的信任。罗伯特不顾内心的劝告,心甘情愿地接受了雨果提出的周末度假建议。当雨果的真实意图被揭穿后,开始的田园周末发生了险恶的变化。
When Robert (Pau Masó), a recovering alcoholic, returns to Budapest to reconnect with friends; he also meets the enigmatic Hugo (Matthew Crawley), a tall blue-eyed stranger who quickly gains his trust by giving him what he craves most. Robert willingly accepts Hugo's proposal of a weekend getaway, against the advice of his inner circle. What begins as an idyllic weekend takes a sinister turn when Hugo's true intentions are revealed.
★取材自西班牙骇人实验新闻。 ★打破西语系鬼片票房纪录。 「清醒比睡著 更容易撞见鬼」研究指出;长期不睡觉,思维会错乱。精神游走在一种半剥离的灵界状态,容易看到根本不存在的东西。 1980年代,性格古怪的实验家-艾玛,喜欢挑战人体极 限。她的最新实验是进行长时间不阖眼,观察知觉达到临界点的变化;她们选在废弃的精神病医院裡进行实验,众人透过排练舞台剧保持清醒状态。 碧昂卡是新位掘起的女演员,为了更多曝光机会,也参与实验,但不知名的力量在医院中扩散,悄悄地将众人推向幽暗的悲剧…
Durante los estertores de la última guerra carlista, una ni?a es rescatada de un orfanato por una misteriosa mujer que habita en lo profundo del bosque. Mal herida, y sintiendo estar al borde de la muerte, la peque?a creerá ver en ella a un ángel que ha venido a buscarla para llevársela al Cielo - No tardará en descubrir, al amanecer del nuevo día, que este extra?o ser le ha do...