1996 喜剧片 法国
  A seasoned woman from the world of show business, recruits 11 Romanian dancers dreaming of fame and glory to take them to Paris. One of them decides to leave her husband, but he doesn't take it very well and starts on a journey to get back his wife and plenty of hilarious things happen along the way.
1991 剧情片 法国
  做事一向理性的水利工程师沃尔特·费伯(山姆·夏普德 Sam Shepard 饰)搭乘的飞机中途失事,被迫降落在墨西哥的沙漠之中。然而在获救之后,沃尔特却一反常态地决定,与素不相识的德国商人去墨西哥丛林寻找多年都未曾连络过的朋友。当他们来到朋友的住处时,发现朋友已经自杀身亡。  沃尔特的第二段旅程开始在渡轮之上。年过中旬的沃尔特邂逅了妩媚的年轻女孩赛贝斯(朱莉·德尔佩 Julie Delpy 饰)。钟情于艺术的赛贝斯与专长于科学技术的沃尔特,看似是两个世界的人,然而一段不可控制的情愫在二人之间渐渐蔓延,相约同去欧洲南部旅行。在无意间,沃尔特得知赛贝斯正是自己年轻时女友汉娜(芭芭拉·苏科瓦 Barbara Sukowa 饰)之女。惊讶之余,沃尔特不得不怀疑她就是自己的亲生女儿。
1968 剧情片 法国
  威尔斯唯一一部公映的彩色电影,故事依旧奇情:澳门富商从秘书口中听到一个爱情传说,有人为了香灯有后愿意付钱找人与妻子上床。传说归传说,但澳门富商却要使这个不朽故事成真,找来美女珍.摩露,当正是自己妻子,要她找人轰烈地做爱做的事。乍听下来真是一场天方夜谭,但影片拍来感人至深,53岁的威尔斯与成熟的珍.摩露演出动人不已,最后一个镜头更被影迷形容是「魔术」,令影片入围柏林国际电影节竞逐最佳电影金熊奖。  The only colour film by Welles publicly released is another showcase of the absurdity of human nature. A Macau millionaire is told a legend about someone who is willing to pay a huge sum for someone who would sleep with his wife in order to produce an heir. In an act to make the legend real and to immortalise it, the millionaire finds Jeanne Moreau to be his wife and starts to search for the man who would make love to her. A potent performance by Welles and Moreau makes the film purely magical; a Golden Berlin Bear nominee for Berlin International Film Festival.