2022 喜剧片 法国 / 比利时
  阿兰·吉罗迪今年的作品《保持站立》于戛纳争夺金棕榈还未结束,他的下一部作品《隐伏的付出》(Pays Perdu,暂译)已提上日程。影片讲述一名环保业内人士欲关闭法国南部某村落的一家牛奶厂,当他在接触工厂里的人,并爱上这里的一个人后,他打算放弃原先的计划。目前该片尚无其他消息。
2022 动作片 法国 / 比利时

佐拉是个热爱生活的女人,与丈夫相识后度过了一段快乐时光也让她对未来有了憧憬,但婚后好景不长,丈夫开始出现暴力行为,而他和女儿却又关系亲近,所以离婚对佐拉并不有利,她深信那只会让她和女儿分离,无奈之下她只能默默忍受他的每次击打,而事实已经逐渐瞒不过周围的人了。为了生计,佐拉做着健身 房的清洁工作,在那里她遇到了看门大爷,但没想到的是这位大爷却是位功夫大师!在施以援手之后,佐拉决定向这个不会说法语的古怪老头拜师学艺,而这个老头更是模拟出她家厨房的环境教她招式动作。不断地磨炼后,佐拉的身手得以精进,她甚至有了帮其他女孩解围的勇气,但面对施暴者,面对和女儿未来的生活,她是否能让丈夫最终在离婚协议书上签字?最终的对决和考验还在等待着她!

2014 动作片 美国 / 法国
  影片开场,巴尼·罗斯(西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)带领敢死队的老伙计李(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)、贡纳(杜夫·龙格尔 Dolph Lundgren 饰)等人驾驶直升机劫持火车,救出了被囚禁的用刀高手医生(韦斯利·斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 饰)。经过短暂的休整,他们奔赴索马里潜入某倒卖军火组织的老巢中执行任务,谁知巴尼发现该组织老大竟然是当年本该死去的敢死队战友康拉德·斯通班克(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)。一番激烈的交火过后,斯通班克成功逃脱,而敢死队方面则损失惨重。
2016 喜剧片 法国
  Thomas and Thomas are going through a rough patch they are both thirty-something actors living in Paris. They randomly decide to leave the city and fly away to Kullorsuaq, one of the most remote villages of Greenland, where Thomas' father Nathan lives. Among the Inuit community, they will discover the charms of the local customs and their friendship will be challenged.
2022 剧情片 奥地利,法国,卢森堡,德国


2023 剧情片 法国 / 德国
  影片故事发生在当代巴黎,德国电影制作人托马斯(罗戈夫斯基饰)通过与一位名叫阿加特(阿黛尔饰)的年轻女子的激烈恋情拥抱了自己的性取向,这种冲动模糊了他与丈夫马丁(本·卫肖饰)之间的界限。当马丁开始自己的婚外情时,他成功地重新获得了丈夫的关注,同时也引起了托马斯的嫉妒。 与 矛盾的情绪作斗争,托马斯必须要么接受他婚姻的局限,要么接受这段关系已经走到尽头。
2018 剧情片 瑞士,比利时,法国


2022 恐怖片 法国

The film homes in on 18-year-old Alex who’s been a fan of the Arthur fantasy film series since he was a child. When his close-knit group of friends surprises him with trip to an abandoned house where the film was shot, they unwittingly walk headlong into a twisted, mortal trap. What was once a childhood dream soon turns into a very real nightmare...

2021 恐怖片 法国
2008 剧情片 冰岛 / 菲律宾 / 法国 / 泰国


2003 动作片 法国
  故事叙述在遥远的时空,太空船“威卡诺伊号”在航行途中遭遇变故而坠毁在“艾斯多利亚双子星”上,威卡诺伊号太空船的电脑中枢与艾斯多利亚星的神秘能量结合,成为全新生命体“AXIS”并进一步使整个艾斯多利亚星产生异变,让该星球的植物异常生长而导致生态体系异变,而植物的“树液”成为维持所有生命能量的重要来源。  600年中,艾斯多利亚星异型生物把新人种[人类]视为奴隶,为其采集能源,并以上帝的身份施加暴行。盖娜是一个爱冒险的小姑娘,她屡屡发现古代遗留下来的线索,欲揭开真相。在威卡诺伊号唯一幸存者的帮助下,盖娜找到的残存的电脑中枢AXIS,并击败了异型统治者,释放了AXIS的能量,开启了一道通往新世界的桥梁。族人终于从奴役中被解救!
2023 剧情片 法国,美国

被暴戾的父亲伤害、被囚禁在狗笼生活数年的道格(卡莱伯·兰德里·琼斯 饰),长大后只能与他的数百只狗相互陪伴。然而命运对他的摧残从未停止,在经历了家庭、爱情、生存的一系列痛苦打击后,道格化身为最危险艳丽的“狗神”杀手,和他的狗群一起,向所有伤害过他的人发起了绝不饶恕的复仇与反抗......

2022 剧情片 意大利 / 法国
2021 剧情片 法国
  The House of Gaunt - Lord Voldemort Origins is a short film directed by Joris FAUCON GRIMAUD about Voldemort origins.  The House of Gaunt is an unofficial short film who tells about the Voldemort origins, inspired by the Harry Potter universe from J.K. Rowling's book « Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ». It is freely adapted for the screen and directed by Joris FAUCON GRIMAUD. This is a non-profit movie production that is unaffiliated andor controlled by Warner Bros.  Made by fans for fans.
1950 剧情片 法国
  1937年西班牙内战其间,德国战机应西班牙国民军政府的要求,向巴斯克城市格尔尼卡猛烈轰炸,造成严重伤亡。毕加索激于义愤,绘画了这有如炼狱般的惨状,着火的房子,惊惶失措的人畜,嚎哭的丧子之母,控诉着战争的残暴。为此,毕加索与独裁者佛朗哥决裂,流亡至巴黎,老死不还乡。这幅画原本收藏于美国大都会博物馆,佛朗哥Franco死后,遵毕加索遗言重返故国。 1936年,毕加索担任共和政府任命的普拉多美术馆名誉馆长期间,为保护艺术珍品,作出了自己的贡献。1937年初,他创作了蚀刻画《佛朗哥的梦和谎言》。这是一组连环漫画式的版画,共有18个画面,另加一首隐晦的、丑化佛朗哥的题诗。画家通过出售这组画的复制品将售款捐作共和政府的救济金。就在创作这组作品时,发生了"4月26日事件"。因此,这组画中的最后4个画面,与日后创作的Guernica《格尔尼卡》有关密切的联系。组画中的公牛在最后的画面中,抵伤了象征佛朗哥的马形怪物。该组画被复制后,法国当局作为宣传品,用飞机将其散发到了佛朗哥占领区。在此前不久,毕加索曾受委托为普拉多美术馆创作一幅大型壁画,作为该年夏季在巴黎召开的万国博览会中西班牙馆的装饰画。在他还未构思的时候,发生了骇人听闻的"4月26日事件"。这就是德国法西斯的空军,悍然轰炸了西班牙北部巴斯克的重镇格尔尼卡,造成了和平居民的伤亡。当这一消息传到巴黎后,愤怒的毕加索怀着"对那把西班牙沈浸在痛苦与死亡的海洋中的好战集团的厌恶和鄙视",立即以这一事件为题材,只用了6个星期的时间,于6月5日创作完成了351×782厘米的巨幅壁画《格尔尼卡》。该画以后期立体主义语言表现了战争带给人类的灾难,鞭鞑了法西斯。该画在巴黎亮相后,受到了广泛的关注。1938年,它还在挪威、英国、美国等进行了巡回展出。在德国占领法国期间,毕加索不向德国法西斯低头、不为利诱所动,表现了高尚的民族气节。表示以自己的绘画作为『抵抗和打击敌人的战斗武器』。
2021 剧情片 法国
1976 剧情片 法国
1938 喜剧片 法国

A sparkling four-way affair overflowing with dialogue that showcases writer-director Sacha Guitry’s wit, Quadrille stars Guitry as a magazine editor whose longtime girlfriend (whom he hopes to make his fiancée) is uncontrollably drawn to a handsome American movie star. Meanwhile, a discerning reporter (Jacqueline Delubac) watches from the sidelines with amusement and provides t...

2021 剧情片 法国
  Dior 首席裁縫Esther已屆退休年齡。某日,她在地鐵中被一個二十歳少女Jade偷去手袋。她不但沒有報警,反而決定照顧她。Esther覺得Jade是一顆好苗子,可以將她畢生所學的縫紉技術傳授給Jade。Jade從Esther身上學到的優美舉止讓她得以在狂熱的高級時裝界找到超越自我的途徑。
1999 科幻片 英国,法国,加拿大

幻想与现实界限模糊的未来世界,科技已经发展到远远超越时代的地步。电玩界女王爱丽拉·盖勒(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh饰)不仅美丽性感,更是一位设计尖端游戏的设计师。她所设计的虚拟实境系统“X接触”可以直接干扰玩家的神经系统。在试玩大会上,各方玩家齐聚一堂,体验爱丽拉的最新杰作。然而一群狂热者企图刺杀爱丽拉,危急时刻,爱丽拉被守卫泰德·皮库(裘德·洛 Jude Law饰)救走。为了躲避追杀,两人双双进入“X接触”的异次元世界,然而一切正在变得越来越虚幻。  这部隐含大量社会议题的科幻惊悚影片《感官游戏》,由国际影坛最富争议性、最成功的导演之一大卫·柯南伯格执导。本片入围1999年第49届柏林国际电影节金熊奖,导演大卫·柯南伯格荣获该年度柏林国际电影节银熊奖-杰出艺术成就,并荣获2000年第26届美国电影电视土星奖-最佳科幻电...

2011 剧情片 英国 / 法国 / 德国

  冷战时,全球两大特工组织——俄罗斯“中心”与英国“圆场”明争暗斗。特工遇害,高层震怒,责成“圆场”挖出“地鼠”。怀疑对象共有5人,即圆场上任“老总”命名的锅匠,裁缝,士兵,穷人,乞丐。其中,金盆洗手的“乞丐”乔治·史迈利(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)本来有重大嫌疑。某日,行动组-剥头皮组头目的彼得·吉勒姆(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰)与英国内阁办公室谍报总监拉康排除了史迈利的嫌疑,令其重新出山,负责挖出“地鼠”。于是,史迈利开始分别走访故人,调查“圆场”老大阿勒莱恩,裁缝-比尔·海顿(科林·费斯 Colin Firth 饰),士兵-掌管东欧事务的资深间谍罗埃·布兰德,穷人-后勤部门点路灯组组长托比·伊斯特哈斯。一时间,圆场疑云密布,人人自危,究竟谁才是“地鼠”……                                                                              本片本片根据约翰·勒卡雷的同名小...

1991 动作片 法国
2008 喜剧片 法国
   吉尔维是巴黎的警察,因为笨拙而固执,成为警局里的笑柄。\r  多年来,他一直不放过任何追捕滑稽狡猾的盗贼科蒂斯的机会。然而科蒂斯每次都能逃脱并嘲笑他。一天早上,前晚追捕科蒂斯失败后,吉尔维醒来发现巴黎街头空无一人。全空了吗?还不全是,另一个人正开着一辆F1赛车在空旷的街上飞驰,这人正是:科蒂斯!现在世上只剩下我们的两个英雄,也许正是埋葬仇恨的机会……但这不能靠科蒂斯的正直或者顽强,对于吉维尔来说,科迪斯最合适的位置就是呆在监狱里,而且什么也不能阻挠他完成任务。
2004 剧情片 法国
  剧情分为两个部分:一边是一个神秘的女人,即将步入结婚礼堂;一边是一个有轻度自杀倾向的音乐工作者,被阴错阳差地关进了精神病医院……电影交错展现了两个主人公生活中的片断,似乎毫无关联的故事和人物,可又时时联系到一起。一个沉浸在痛苦的回忆中的女人和一个纷扰不断的男人。在影片中,那个独立成功的女人将慢慢走向封闭,而 “被囚禁”的男人却不知不觉地走向了自身的解放。
2013 剧情片 法国


2017 剧情片 法国


2018 剧情片 法国
    不知生母是谁的泰奥自出生后便交由社会福利部门照顾,社会工作者亦尽力为他寻找适合的养母。他的生命就是这样开始的。爱丽丝在过去十年一直都很想要一个孩子。《In Safe Hands》是讲述一个三个月大的婴儿和四十一岁的爱丽丝相遇的故事。
2023 恐怖片 法国 / 美国 / 英国
  From the beekeeper who accidentally kills his wife before nervously burying her body under his vegetable patch, the child born with an insatiable and increasingly inhumane appetite, to the detective struggling with a number of missing children cases, these stories make this the creepiest horror anthology of the year.
2008 喜剧片 法国 / 德国 / 西班牙 / 意大利

高卢人沃夫希克斯爱上了美丽的埃及公主艾瑞娜,并通过鸿雁传书的方式打动了她。终于有一天,正当他千里迢迢来向公主表白时,却发现罗马执政官凯撒(阿兰•德龙 Alain Delon 饰)的儿子布鲁特斯也来提亲。双方产生争执。公主倾向于高卢人,但是国王慑于凯撒的淫威,决定以奥运会冠军决定公主的婚事。高卢人在奥贝里克斯(杰拉尔•德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)等人的帮助下为爱而战,然而布鲁特斯也在处心积虑地想尽一切歪门邪道,骗取比赛胜利,一切的结果都将在奥运会比赛的最后时刻揭开……

2018 剧情片 法国

不知生母是谁的泰奥自出生后便交由社会福利部门照顾,社会工作者亦尽力为他寻找适合的养母。他的生命就是这样开始的。爱丽丝在过去十年一直都很想要一个孩子。《In Safe Hands》是讲述一个三个月大的婴儿和四十一岁的爱丽丝相遇的故事。

2016 爱情片 法国


2016 剧情片 法国

故事寫一名女子生命中的四段日子。   一個鄉村小女孩,不幸倦入了一場捉迷藏遊戲的悲劇中。一個離家出走的少女,男人換了一個又一個,為的只是要擺脫刻板無趣的家庭生活。一個年輕女子,搬到巴黎居住又遇到一些事,險做成無可挽救的後果。最後便是一個以為擺脫過往一切的成熟婦人。這四個人物一點一滴地融合成同一個女人。

2019 剧情片 巴西 / 德国 / 法国
2023 剧情片 法国
1995 动作片 法国


2022 剧情片 法国,德国,爱尔兰

伊莎贝尔·于佩尔、拉斯·艾丁格、斯万·阿劳德、弗雷娅·梅弗、弗洛伦斯·卢瓦雷出演,Laurent Larivière([我是一个兵])执导的新片[琼·维拉](Joan Verra,暂译)在法国科伦正式...

1999 剧情片 西班牙 / 法国
  玛努埃拉(丝莉亚 洛芙 饰)的丈夫在儿子出生前就离开了妻子,玛努埃拉成为了单身妈妈,带着儿子埃斯特班来到马德里生活。儿子从不知道爸爸的事情,玛努埃拉只好对儿子说父亲已经过世。然而,儿子终究不相信。他在日记本里悄悄写下对父亲的想念。 车祸来得那么突然,儿子被一辆迎面撞来的汽车夺走了生命。母亲悲伤不已,决定去找孩子的父亲洛拉,完成儿子心愿。然而她却得知,洛拉已经换装成女人,当了妓女,而且染上了艾滋病。更不幸的是,修女罗萨(佩内洛普 饰)怀上了洛拉的孩子。玛努埃拉留在罗萨身边照顾她,罗萨诞下的婴儿也取自己儿子埃斯特班的名字,苦难的日子终于有了希望--这个新生儿竟然逃过了艾滋的噩运。
1999 剧情片 法国


2007 剧情片 法国

曾在赛特港码头辛苦操劳大半生的工人赛门(哈比•布法莱斯 Habib Boufares 饰)被解雇了,他感到既气愤又无助,跟上司的抗争也无功而返。由于事业的不顺利,他跟家人的关系也变得紧张起来,前妻、情...

1968 恐怖片 法国
  影片包含了罗杰·瓦迪姆、路易·马勒和费德里科·费里尼三位名导所拍摄的三个短片,内容天马行空,环环相扣。  《门泽哲斯坦》:康泰莎女伯爵(简·方达 Jane Fonda 饰)的所爱慕的对象竟然是一匹马!原来,她死去的情人的鬼魂附在了马的身上,引出了一段离奇的人马之恋。  《威廉·威尔逊》:威廉(阿兰·德龙 Alain Delon 饰)发现世间竟然真的有和自己长得一模一样的人,而那个人似乎整日徘徊在他的身边,每当威廉要干一些坏事时,那个人就会出现进行阻止。他真的存在吗?他这么做的意图又是什么呢?  《该死的托比》:为了高额的片酬,托比(特伦斯·斯坦普 Terence Stamp 饰)踏上了前往罗马的旅途,在路上,他遇见了一个可爱的女孩,却想不到,这个女孩竟然是魔鬼的化身。
1959 剧情片 法国
  Voice 1 (male professional announcer type) This neighborhood(1) was made for the wretched dignity of the petty bourgeoisie, for respectable occupations and intellectual tourism. The sedentary population of the upper floors was sheltered from the influences of the street. This neighborhood has remained the same. It was the strange setting of our story, where a systematic questioning of all the diversions and works of a society, a total critique of its idea of happiness, was expressed in acts.  These people also scorned subjective profundity. They were interested in nothing but an adequate and concrete expression of themselves.  Voice 2 (Debord, monotone) Human beings are not fully conscious of their real life - usually groping in the dark; overwhelmed by the consequences of their acts; at every moment groups and individuals find themselves confronted with results they have not wished.  Voice 1 They said that oblivion was their ruling passion. They wanted to reinvent everything each day; to become the masters and possessors of their own lives.  Just as one does not judge a man according to the conception he has of himself, one cannot judge such periods of transition according to their own consciousness; on the contrary, one must explain the consciousness through the contradictions of material life, through the conflict between social conditions and the forces of social production.  The progress achieved in the domination of nature was not yet matched by a corresponding liberation of everyday life. Youth passed away among the various controls of resignation.  Our camera has captured for you a few aspects of a provisional microsociety.  The knowledge of empirical facts remains abstract and superficial as long as it is not concretized by its integration into the whole ” which alone permits the supersession of partial and abstract problems so as to arrive at their concrete essence, and implicitly at their meaning.  This group was on the margins of the economy. It tended toward a role of pure consumption, and first of all the free consumption of its time. It thus found itself directly engaged in qualitative variations of everyday life but deprived of any means to intervene in them.  The group ranged over a very small area. The same times brought them back to the same places. No one went to bed early. Discussion on the meaning of all this continued...  Voice 2 Our life is a journey ” In the winter and the night. ” We seek our passage...�  Voice 1 The abandoned literature nevertheless exerted a delaying action on new affective formulations.  Voice 2 There was the fatigue and the cold of the morning in this much-traversed labyrinth, like an enigma that we had to resolve. It was a looking-glass reality through which we had to discover the potential richness of reality.  On the bank of the river evening began once again; and caresses; and the importance of a world without importance. Just as the eyes have a blurred vision of many things and can see only one clearly, so the will can strive only incompletely toward diverse objects and can completely love only one at a time.  Voice 3 (young girl) No one counted on the future. It would never be possible to be together later, or anywhere else. There would never be a greater freedom.  Voice 1 The refusal of time and of growing old automatically limited encounters in this narrow, contingent zone, where what was lacking was felt as irreparable. The extreme precariousness of the means of getting by without working was at the root of this impatience which made excesses necessary and breaks definitive.  Voice 2 One never really contests an organization of existence without contesting all of that organization's forms of language.  Voice 1 When freedom is practiced in a closed circle, it fades into a dream, becomes a mere representation of itself. The ambiance of play is by nature unstable. At any moment ordinary life� can prevail once again. The geographical limitation of play is even more striking than its temporal limitation. Any game takes place within the contours of its spatial domain. Around the neighborhood, around its fleeting and threatened immobility, stretched a half-known city where people met only by chance, losing their way forever.  The girls who found their way there, because they were legally under the control of their families until the age of eighteen, were often recaptured by the defenders of that detestable institution. They were generally confined under the guard of those creatures who among all the bad products of a bad society are the most ugly and repugnant nuns.  What usually makes documentaries so easy to understand is the arbitrary limitation of their subject matter. They describe the atomization of social functions and the isolation of their products. One can, in contrast, envisage the entire complexity of a moment which is not resolved into a work, a moment whose movement indissolubly contains facts and values and whose meaning does not yet appear. The subject matter of the documentary would then be this confused totality.  Voice 2 The era had arrived at a level of knowledge and technical means that made possible, and increasingly necessary, a direct construction of all aspects of a liberated affective and practical existence. The appearance of these superior means of action, still unused because of the delays in the project of liquidating the commodity economy, had already condemned aesthetic activity, whose ambitions and powers were both outdated. The decay of art and of all the values of former mores had formed our sociological background. The ruling class's monopoly over the instruments we needed to control in order to realize the collective art of our time had excluded us from a cultural production officially devoted to illustrating and repeating the past. An art film on this generation can only be a film on its absence of real creations.  Everyone unthinkingly followed the paths learned once and for all, to their work and their home, to their predictable future. For them duty had already become a habit, and habit a duty. They did not see the deficiency of their city. They thought the deficiency of their life was natural. We wanted to break out of this conditioning, in quest of another use of the urban landscape, in quest of new passions. The atmosphere of a few places gave us intimations of the future powers of an architecture it would be necessary to create to be the support and framework for less mediocre games. We could expect nothing of anything we had not ourselves altered. The urban environment proclaimed the orders and tastes of the ruling society just as violently as the newspapers. It is man who makes the unity of the world, but man has extended himself everywhere. People can see nothing around them that is not their own image; everything speaks to them of themselves. Their very landscape is alive. There were obstacles everywhere. There was a cohesion in the obstacles of all types. They maintained the coherent reign of poverty. Everything being connected, it was necessary to change everything by a unitary struggle, or nothing. It was necessary to link up with the masses, but we were surrounded by sleep.  Voice 3 The dictatorship of the proletariat is a desperate struggle, bloody and bloodless, violent and peaceful, military and economic, educational and administrative, against the forces and traditions of the old world.  Voice 1 In this country it is once again the men of order who have rebelled. They have reinforced their power. They have been able to aggravate the grotesqueness of the ruling conditions according to their will. They have embellished their system with the funereal ceremonies of the past.  Voice 2 Years, like a single instant prolonged to this point, come to an end.  Voice 1 What was directly lived reappears frozen in the distance, fit into the tastes and illusions of an era, carried away with it.  Voice 2 The appearance of events that we have not made, that others have made against us, now obliges us to be aware of the passage of time, its results, the transformation of our own desires into events. What differentiates the past from the present is precisely its out-of-reach objectivity; there is no more should-be; being is so consumed that it has ceased to exist. The details are already lost in the dust of time. Who was afraid of life, afraid of the night, afraid of being taken, afraid of being kept  Voice 3 What should be abolished continues, and we continue to wear away with it. We are engulfed. We are separated. The years pass and we haven't changed anything.  Voice 2 Once again morning in the same streets. Once again the fatigue of so many similarly passed nights. It is a walk that has lasted a long time.  Voice 1 Really hard to drink more.  Voice 2 Of course one might make a film of it. But even if such a film succeeds in being as fundamentally disconnected and unsatisfying as the reality it deals with, it will never be more than a re-creation ” poor and false like this botched traveling shot.  Voice 3 There are now people who pride themselves on being authors of films, as others were authors of novels. They are even more backward than the novelists because they are unaware of the decomposition and exhaustion of individual expression in our time, ignorant of the end of the arts of passivity. They are praised for their sincerity since they dramatize, with more personal depth, the conventions of which their life consists. There is talk of the liberation of the cinema. But what does it matter to us if one more art is liberated through which Tom, Dick or Harry can joyously express their slavish sentiments The only interesting venture is the liberation of everyday life, not only in the perspectives of history but for us and right away. This entails the withering away of alienated forms of communication. The cinema, too, has to be destroyed.  Voice 2 In the final analysis, stars are created by the need we have for them, and not by their talent or lack of talent or even by the film industry or advertising. Miserable need, dismal, anonymous life that would like to expand itself to the dimensions of cinema life. The imaginary life on the screen is the product of this real need. The star is the projection of this need.  The images of the advertisements during the intermissions are more suited than any others for evoking an intermission of life.  To really describe this era it would no doubt be necessary to show many other things. But what would be the point  Better to grasp the totality of what has been done and what remains to be done than to add more ruins to the old world of the spectacle and of memories.  1. This film, which evokes the lettrist experiences at the origin of the situationist movement, opens with shots of the Paris district frequented by the lettrists in the early 1950s.
1995 喜剧片 法国
  The film follows the story of three girls in contemporary Paris. One searches for her lost mother since she knows she's adopted. The other has come out of a coma and needs to have a love relationship aside from his mysterious father. The third one is a crook who redeems herself through love. The action is commented by songs and dance routines.
2002 战争片 英国,法国,波兰,德国,美国

史标曼(艾德里安?布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)是波兰一家电台的钢琴师。二战即将爆发之时,他们全家被迫被赶进华沙的犹太区。在战争的颠沛流离中,家人和亲戚最终被纳粹杀害,而标曼本人也受尽种种羞辱和折磨,他侥幸得到一位朋友的帮助,暂时有了藏身之处。战争愈加猛烈,朋友不得不抛下他回老家寻得安全的住所养育儿女。此时史标曼恶病缠身,却还要在搜捕中逃亡。在废墟的阁楼上他遇见了一名德国军官,在军官的要求下他弹奏了钢琴曲。美妙的琴声令德国军官萌发了恻隐之心,他暗暗帮助标曼直到苏军对波兰的解放到来…… 影片根据波兰钢琴家瓦拉迪斯罗?斯皮曼(Wladyslaw Szpilman)的自传体小说《死亡城市》改编。

2017 剧情片 法国
2022 动作片 法国
2017 爱情片 法国

Mavie is 27 years old and has just moved to the French capital from the provinces. She dreams of a future as a writer but is plagued by doubt and uncertainty. 76-year-old misanthrope Georges runs a bookshop in Paris – or has he merely been forced to take refuge there to escape his past? These are two peculiar creatures indeed. Georges is cynical and no longer expects much from ...

1992 剧情片 英国 / 法国 / 西班牙
2024 喜剧片 瑞士 / 法国
  艾薇儿(利蒂希亚·多施 饰)是一名败案累累的年轻女律师,为了改变现状,她下定决心:下个案子无论如何都要赢!但艾薇儿的下个案子却是跟她一样绝望的客户——科斯莫(小狗科迪 饰),一只因为经常袭击她人而被判死刑的狗。为了帮助科斯莫翻案,艾薇儿想尽一切办法,而人性的复杂,让这场对狗狗的审判变得出乎预料,各路人马开启法庭论战,科斯莫被迫加入“辩论”,艾薇儿自己也陷入了辩护危机。
1992 剧情片 英国 / 法国 / 西班牙
2018 剧情片 德国 / 法国


2019 剧情片 法国
  科斯迪安(让-保罗•卢弗Jean-Paul Rouve 饰)是一名鸟类研究学者,对于鸟类学的热爱让他将毕生的精力都投入到了这个领域之中。失去了父母的白额雁无法学习迁徙的技巧,于是科斯迪安决定驾驶轻航指引幼鸟们从挪威迁徙到目的地法国。然而,在向巴黎博物馆申请经费时,科斯迪安却遭到了拒绝。 托马斯(路尔斯•瓦兹奎兹 Louis Vazquez 饰)来到了父亲的农舍度假,刚开始,这个男孩并不理解为什么科斯迪安总是如此的关心鸟类,但随着时间的推移,托马斯也渐渐被神奇的鸟儿所吸引。一天,科斯迪安震惊的发现,托马斯私自驾驶轻航踏上了引导鸟类迁徙的旅途。
2013 剧情片 法国,意大利,伊朗

经过四年分居生活后,Ahmad(阿里·莫沙法 Ali Mosaffa 饰)在法国妻子Marie(贝热尼丝·贝乔 Bérénice Bejo 饰)的要求下,从德黑兰来到巴黎正式办理离婚。从短暂的巴黎之行中,Ahmad看到了妻子与女儿之间冲突不断。Ahmad试图帮助其改善关系,结果发现了一段过去的秘密。

2019 剧情片 法国


1990 剧情片 美国 / 日本 / 法国
Ady  Cohen 
  1990年,Zbigniew Rybczynski以肖邦、拉威尔等人的音乐为素材,为日本市场制作了一部HDTV的节目叫做《管弦乐队》(Orchestra),这个节目曾经获得很多奖项。这个节目是由美国的PBS在他们大型的系列表演中用标准的分辨率播出的,因为当时HDTV还没有普遍被使用。这个有十年历史的HDTV电影至今仍然在美国经典艺术频道Showcase长盛不衰地播出。
2019 战争片 法国 / 比利时
2001 剧情片 法国
  Veteran experimental filmmakers Danielle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub helmed this unusual adaptation of a novel by Elio Vittorini. Focused on the triumphs and failures of a group of laborers and farm hands who pooled their resources to operate an alternative collective farm after the end of World War II, Operai, Contadini features a cast of 12 actors who read aloud from Vittorini's book for the duration of the film, either reciting from memory or using a clearly visible script. Hardly designed to be a crowd pleaser, Operai, Contadini proved to be controversial among the audiences for its showings at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival, where it was screened as part of the Directors' Fortnight series. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide  The group makes up a primitive community which seeks to erase not only the distress created by the war but also the hardships of life and hunger, and to protect them from violence, misery and fear. Amid the ruins of this post-war period, the characters build and invent a rapport  both in their professional and daily lives  between themselves, the sexes, generations, diverse social and geographical origins, and antagonistic political camps.  The group maintains a 'register', a kind of diary, as if it were entering the minutes of an inquiry or a trial. -Steve Grayson  my favorite Straub-Huillet films are Too Early, Too Late and Operai, contadini (2001), both color landscape films with especially acute senses of place as well as of nature in all its harsh beauty. - Jonathan Rosenbaum
2002 战争片 英国 / 法国 / 波兰 / 德国
  史标曼(艾德里安•布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)是波兰一家电台的钢琴师。二战即将爆发之时,他们全家被迫被赶进华沙的犹太区。在战争的颠沛流离中,家人和亲戚最终被纳粹杀害,而史标曼本人也受尽种种羞辱和折磨,他侥幸得到一位朋友的帮助,暂时有了藏身之处。战争愈加猛烈,朋友不得不抛下他回老家寻得安全的住所养育儿女。此时史标曼恶病缠身,却还要在搜捕中逃亡。在废墟的阁楼上他遇见了一名德国军官,在军官的要求下他弹奏了钢琴曲。美妙的琴声令德国军官萌发了恻隐之心,他暗暗帮助史标曼直到苏军对波兰的解放到来…… 影片根据波兰钢琴家瓦拉迪斯罗•斯皮曼(Wladyslaw Szpilman)的自传体小说《死亡城市》改编。
1980 剧情片 法国
  这部影片围绕三个分别处在各自生命转折点的人物。群星荟萃的演员阵容,包括伊莎贝拉·于佩尔扮演的农村姑娘来到城市沦落为妓女;纳塔莉·贝依扮演一个决心放弃掉城市工作去乡下享受田园生活的职业妇女;而雅克·迪特隆则扮演一位电视节目的导演,刚和老婆离婚,处于事业低潮。  影片惊人地运用了慢镜头摄影,看上去相当优美,也正是本片使得离开商业电影拍摄有好几年的戈达尔重回影圈,受到相当热烈的反映,再次巩固了导演在拍摄创新电影的最前线地位。
2018 剧情片 德国,法国


2015 喜剧片 法国
1986 爱情片 法国,意大利,瑞士


2006 剧情片 法国
2023 剧情片 法国 / 美国
  被暴戾的父亲伤害、被囚禁在狗笼生活数年的道格(卡莱伯·兰德里·琼斯 饰),长大后只能与他的数百只狗相互陪伴。然而命运对他的摧残从未停止,在经历了家庭、爱情、生存的一系列痛苦打击后,道格化身为最危险艳丽的“狗神”杀手,和他的狗群一起,向所有伤害过他的人发起了绝不饶恕的复仇与反抗......
1950 剧情片 法国
2003 恐怖片 法国,意大利,罗马尼亚

青春少女玛丽(Cécile De France 饰)和爱莉西娅(Ma?wenn Le Besco 饰)是同在法国巴黎一所大学就读的好朋友。某个周末,两人驱车前往爱莉西娅家位于乡下的农场度假。适值深夜,万籁俱寂,玛丽寂寞难耐正在自我宣泄之时,一个不速之客突然闯入。他残忍杀害了爱莉西娅的父母和年幼的弟弟,并将其掳去。为了营救好友,玛丽悄悄钻进凶手的卡车。途经一个加油站,她换上同样惨遭杀害的店员的车继续跟踪,却被狡猾的凶手发现行迹。一场近乎迷幻的猫鼠杀戮游戏旋即进入高潮……  本片荣获2003年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节最佳女主角(Cécile De France)、最佳导演、最佳化装和欧洲奇幻电影大奖银奖。

2016 喜剧片 英国 / 法国 / 德国 / 墨西哥 /
  电影《国王的全息图》(英文名:A Hologram for the King),由同名小说《国王的全息图》改编而成,讲述了一名失败的美国商人艾伦·克莱来到沙特阿拉伯寻找最后一丝发财希望,这也是他拯救濒临解散的家庭的最后一次机会。
2022 剧情片 法国 / 德国
  本片由伊莎贝尔·于佩尔出演,故事改编自卡罗琳·米歇尔-阿奎尔(Caroline Michel-Aguirre)撰写的同名小说,原著小说讲述2012年12月17日,在巴黎郊区的一栋房子里,一名女子被绑在椅子上,阴道内被插入一把刀柄,肚子上被刀刃划出字母“A”。她的名字叫莫林·科尔尼(Maureen Kearney),是阿海珐工会成员。
2011 动作片 法国


2020 剧情片 科特迪瓦 法国 加拿大
  Set in Abidjan’s MACA prison, the aging Black Beard, in attempt to maintain control over his fellow inmates, resorts to a “story” ritual, wherein one prisoner is forced, Scheherazade-style, to tell stories for an entire night. The young pickpocket he chooses relays the haunting tale of the Zama King.
1999 剧情片 法国 / 德国 / 美国 / 日本

居住在新泽西的黑帮杀手“鬼狗”(Forest Whitaker弗雷斯特•惠特克 饰)身为非裔,却浸淫在日本武士道的精神世界里,“忠义”为其平生最高信条。他深居简出,不苟言笑,日常与老大靠飞鸽传书联系。鬼狗视老大路易(John Tormey 饰)如亲生父亲,接到命令后决不手软,手起刀落,血浆四溅。
