搜索 "西恩·海耶斯罗伯·拜利" ,找到 部影视作品
《犯罪心理:穿越国界 Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders》为《犯罪心理》的衍生剧,主要围绕FBI探员如何帮助国外居住的美国公民解决问题而展开。Gary Sinise:饰演Jack Garrett,在FBI待了20年,刚刚被指派负责这个部门。Tyler James Williams:饰演队中的技术分析员Monty,是个讨喜而又聪明的角色,平常在家工作,他对陷入困境的家庭以事无巨细的方式处理,协助队伍找到被遗留的线索,以及找到远在海外的真凶。Daniel Henney:Matt Simmons,不仅是一位在国外长大的军人还是一个居家好男人,喜欢探索和融入不同的文化,最重要的是他的侧写能力对整个团队致为关键。
《哥谭》运作人布鲁诺·海勒打造,设定在1960年代的伦敦,托马斯·韦恩被形容为“一个年轻、面带稚气的亿万富翁,来自美国东海岸,自信、极度自律,这个年轻的贵族遇到了一个意想不到的搭档——潘尼沃斯”,潘尼沃斯则是“男孩子气的英俊、乐天、迷人、聪明、真诚、喜怒形于色,你不会想到他曾是特种部队的杀手”。 英国歌手、演员Paloma Faith饰演阿福的对手Bet Sykes——一个精力十足、有虐待倾向、牙尖嘴利的反派; 《罗马》演员Polly Walker饰演Bet的姐姐Peggy Sykes,是“兰开夏最为繁忙和成功的女性施虐者(SM里那种)”,同时她也是一家精神病里通情达理的家长,很忠诚,有手段,自己有一套奇怪但严密的道德准则; 杰森·弗莱明(《两杆大烟枪》)饰演坏人Lord Harwood。
威尔和格蕾丝《Will & Grace》是美国首部由有线电视播出的引入同志题材的情景喜剧。这部剧于1998年9月21日在NBC首播以来,已经获得了16次艾美奖,83次艾美奖提名,并且4位主演均获得了艾美奖。 Will Truman(艾瑞克·麦柯马克 Eric McCormack 饰)从哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学的法律专业毕业后,在一个一流的法律公司工作,目标是当上公司的合伙人。但后来辞职,决定开展自己的事业。Will最好的朋友Grace Adler(黛博拉·梅辛 Debra Messing 饰)拥有自己的室内装饰公司。两人在大学里认识的。经过短暂的交往后,Will意识到自己真正的性取向,两人和平分手,促成了一段美好的a gay- straight friendship。他们之间不用言语的沟通就可以明白对方心里所想,互相支持,互相理解,拥有最牢固的友情。K...
Will Grace are best friends. Will is a gay lawyer and Grace is a straight interior designer. They both live in New York. Grace is engaged to a real jerk, but when that relationship falls apart, she moves in with Will. This is only supposed to be until Grace finds a place of her own, but she and Will end up with each other as permanent roommates. Also in the cast are Jack, Will's flamboyant gay friend and Karen, Graces' secretaryassistant who doesn't really need to work because she married money several times.
Will Grace are best friends. Will is a gay lawyer and Grace is a straight interior designer. They both live in New York. Grace is engaged to a real jerk, but when that relationship falls apart, she moves in with Will. This is only supposed to be until Grace finds a place of her own, but she and Will end up with each other as permanent roommates. Also in the cast are Jack, Will's flamboyant gay friend and Karen, Graces' secretaryassistant who doesn't really need to work because she married money several times.
Will Grace are best friends. Will is a gay lawyer and Grace is a straight interior designer. They both live in New York. Grace is engaged to a real jerk, but when that relationship falls apart, she moves in with Will. This is only supposed to be until Grace finds a place of her own, but she and Will end up with each other as permanent roommates. Also in the cast are Jack, Will's flamboyant gay friend and Karen, Graces' secretaryassistant who doesn't really need to work because she married money several times.
《Will Grace》是美国首部由有线电视播出的引入同志题材的情景喜剧。 这部剧于1998年9月21日在NBC首播以来,已经获得了16次艾美奖,83次艾美奖提名。 Will Truman(艾瑞克·麦柯马克 Eric McCormack 饰)从哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学的法律专业毕业后,在一个一流的法律公司工作,目标是当上公司的合伙人。但后来辞职,决定开展自己的事业。Will最好的朋友Grace Adler(黛博拉·梅辛 Debra Messing 饰)拥有自己的室内装饰公司。两人在大学里认识的。经过短暂的交往后,Will意识到自己真正的性取向,两人和平分手,促成了一段美好的a gay- straight friendship。他们之间不用言语的沟通就可以明白对方心里所想,互相支持,互相理解,拥有最牢固的友情。
Will Grace are best friends. Will is a gay lawyer and Grace is a straight interior designer. They both live in New York. Grace is engaged to a real jerk, but when that relationship falls apart, she moves in with Will. This is only supposed to be until Grace finds a place of her own, but she and Will end up with each other as permanent roommates. Also in the cast are Jack, Will's flamboyant gay friend and Karen, Graces' secretaryassistant who doesn't really need to work because she married money several times.
Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne face the chaos Gotham City has become, as villains who survived the attack on the city begin to resurface and claim various territories; Selina Kyle grapples with how to deal with her uncertain future...