搜索 "安东尼·鲍代恩雷子" ,找到 部影视作品
Here's a modern-day film noir in which you're never sure what's real and what isn't real. There is a possibility you may get tired of guessing and give up on this film 34ths of the way through, as I almost did but it worth finishing. It also was better the second time around The problem is just too many flashbacks. If some of those scenes were not replayed so often, or a few of the many twists eliminated, it would have been a super movie. It still was fascinating in parts. It grabs you, and you can't stop watching to see what the real story is. Along the way, is a bunch of nice colors and some nice film noir-type in the beginning and then during the ending credits.
童谣本应该充满欢声笑语,但世界上偏偏有这么一些童谣,让人听了毛骨悚然。小镇拉文斯•法尔就流传着这样一个恐怖的童谣:小心来自玛丽•肖的凝视;她没有孩子,只有玩偶;如果你看到她,不要尖叫;否则她会扯开你的嘴巴撕掉你的舌头。这个小镇一直就在笼罩在这个童谣的诅咒之下,只要有玩偶出现的地方,就有人遇害,死状一样,都是舌头被割下。吉米(瑞恩•科万顿 Ryan Kwanten 饰)和萨丽新婚不久,就决定搬离这个受诅咒的地方,但最终萨丽还是没有逃脱这个诅咒。悲伤不已的吉米决定送妻子的尸骸返回家乡,并着手调查这个笼罩在整个小镇头上的恐怖诅咒。随着调查的深入,吉米发现了这首童谣背后的另一个真相。©豆瓣
迪杰(泰伦斯•霍华德 Terrence Dashon Howard 饰)是一个皮条客, 每天和妓女诺拉(塔恩•曼宁 Taryn Manning 饰)在汽车上接客,日子极为无聊,深感中年危机。在一次黑市交易中,迪杰买到了一个卡通电子钢琴,唤起了自己关于唱诗班的回忆。他得知嘻哈巨星凯尼布莱克(卢达•克里斯 Ludacris 饰)将在7月4日开演唱会。他希望能够录自己的demo小样,寄给这位嘻哈界的大腕。于是,迪杰开始重新组建乐队,找到昔日唱诗班的老友凯(安东尼•安德森 Anthony Anderson 饰),白人钢琴师布莱尔,孕妇莎戈(塔拉吉•P•汉森 Taraji P. Henson 饰)等人帮忙,一步一步实现着自己的理想。他把自己底层生活的经验变成了歌词,用激情荡漾的演绎,征服了媒体和乐迷,然而正当他即将大红时,却因为一次莫名其妙的官司锒铛入狱……
Jeff Dawson (Gary Cooper) is a hapless oil speculator in South America whose misadventures reunite him with an old friend, Ward 'Paco' Conway (Anthony Quinn). Unfortunately for Jeff, Paco's wife is bad-news, man-eating Marina (Barbara Stanwyck), the lover Jeff ran away from years ago, undoubtedly knowing that despite his lust for her, she was just no good. And now Jeff loves an...