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Kate Adie examines the impact of women's work on the Home Front during the First World War. Innovations included the first women's police force, women's football and female surgeons operating on men. Adie argues that what truly mattered though was whether these changes in women's lives were long-lasting or viewed as 'only for the duration'.
《他们已不再变老》是由华纳兄弟影业出品,奥斯卡金像奖获奖导演彼得·杰克逊(《指环王》三部曲,《霍比特人》三部曲)执导的战争纪录片。电影聚焦于1914年—1918年一战士兵的日常生活。片中大部分史料均为首次公开,制作团队应用最顶尖修复、上色及3D 技术,将百年前影像进行全彩修复并重新加入声效,以英国老兵口述史为旁白还原一战士兵遭遇和感受,为观众呈现身临其境、极度真实的沉浸式战争体验。影片将于2019年11月11日(一战结束一百零一周年纪念日)全国艺联专线上映。