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The comedy special debuts globally on Netflix next Tuesday, March 7, featuring the Emmy? and Peabody Award-winning comedian take on binge drinking, her relationship with her boyfriend and navigating the unknown terrain of being a newly famous woman who looks like someone you grew up with. “Amy Schumer: The Leather Special” was shot in front of a packed house at Denver’s Bellco ...
TudorFilms presents an action packed gore fest, following regular guy Ed (Marcus Carroll) who awakes one morning to find that his Nan (grandmother) has become one of the living dead. Trapped in his home, Ed struggles to handle the situation. With help from his friends, Ed tries to survive the day, but as his Nan becomes stronger, Ed is battling to keep his house zombie free, st...
富有开创精神的笑星阿蒂提·米塔尔在表演话题类单口喜剧的同时,坦率地讲述了关于单身、穿丁字裤以及印度电影尴尬分级的那些事。 阿蒂提·米塔尔从公司辞职,成为印度第一批女性单口喜剧演员之一。
该片改编自Michael Zadoorian的同名小说,讲述了一对患重病的老夫妻开着老旧的房车从马塞诸塞州出发前往海明威的故居,在旅途中回顾人生的故事。 约翰是一位文学教师和作家,海明威的死忠,尽管阿兹海默症已经让他的记忆越来越差,甚至会忘记妻子和儿女的名字,却依旧可以随口说出海明威的所有作品,《老人和海》更是他的钟爱。因为妻子艾拉患重病需要住院, 约翰就只能进入养老院,携手走过一辈子的二人面临永远分开的未来。于是,他们有了一个疯狂的决定,决心驾驶名叫“leisure seeker 求闲者”的房车,从马塞诸塞州一路南行,回顾70年代曾和孩子们一起度假的旅程,目的地是西锁岛key west 的海明威故居。