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Rae is pleased to have the apparently fearless Liam as her best, platonic friend, but is surprised that he wants to keep his group attendance secret. This spells trouble for Rae when Liam's violent girlfriend Amy, said to have been expelled from her last college for assault, threatens her and wants to know why they spend so much time together. She gives her until Friday. Liam r...
When a car is pulled from a river with a skeleton in its boot the pathologist reckons both have been there for a quarter of a century and eventually the dead man is shown to be Taylor Kane, one of the first black undercover officers, who disappeared at the time of the Brixton riots. Despite no corpse being found at the time his end of service record was signed by his superior o...
安迪(尼克·赫尔姆 Nick Helm 饰)对外一向自称是一名自由音乐人,但实际上,年过三十的他每天都过着无所事事的无聊生活。这样的日子久了,在未来中看不到一丝希望的安迪心生倦意,他决定自杀,甚至写好了遗书。就在这个关键时刻,姐姐的一通电话打乱了安迪原定的“计划”,在电话中,姐姐希望安迪能帮她照顾他年仅12岁的小侄子艾罗尔(埃利奥特·斯佩勒-吉洛特 Elliot Speller-Gillott 饰)。 就这样,安迪苍白的生命里突然多出了一个活蹦乱跳古灵精怪的孩子,不仅如此,他还对艾罗尔学校的美丽女教师一见钟情。完全不懂得如何管教孩子的安迪和人小鬼大的艾罗尔,这样一对“奇葩”的组合之间会擦出怎样的火花呢?
愁云密布的诺顿村,并未因志愿军的解散迎来曙光。英国境内恐惧“部分死亡综合症患者”的正常人成立维生党,对同胞进行恶意倾轧。而半死人中的激进分子对应组建复生解放军,不惜化身为残暴的丧尸展开报复行动。吉伦·沃克(卢克·纽伯里 Luke Newberry 饰)悼念着爱人的离去,渴望前往相对平和的欧洲寻找新生。他和妹妹洁迈玛(哈丽特·肯斯 Harriet Cains 饰)的关系得到修复,可是小洁仍未从前志愿军时代的恐怖经历所困扰。艾米(艾米莉·贝文 Emily Bevan 饰)与男友西蒙作为复生解放军的中坚分子,渴望在诺顿村掀起一场关于自由的大革命。与此同时,坚定的维生党国会议员马丁入住诺顿,无疑要将一切矛盾推向顶点。 亲朋故交,所有人的命运都承受着前所未有的考验……