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DC Animation is producing its first-ever fully CGI animated film in the form of DC Battle of the Super Sons, which will hit home video in 2022.
BotBots are Transformer robots that disguise themselves as everyday mall objects. By day, these BotBots hide quietly on store shelves. But, at night, they jump into adventure until a group of BotBots called ‘The Lost Bots’ run into the mall security guard and put all the bots in danger. Will these misfits be able to overcome their differences, defeat the security guard and gain...
今年呀今年……以《桃太郎》为主题,前所未见的英雄诞生了! 就像桃太郎借由犬、猿、雉的帮助打倒鬼般,DON桃太郎(红),率领了猿BROTHER(蓝)、犬BROTHER(黑)、雉BROTHER(粉)、以及鬼SISTER(黄)对抗邪恶。 其名为‘暴太郎战队DON BROTHERS’! 外貌及团队精神参差不齐的一群战士。以搭载化身资料=暴太郎战斗的5人,使用暴太郎齿轮化身变身成为 DON BROTHERS!另外能变身成历代超级战队战士的姿态。 他们从由内心产生欲望的人类所变成的怪物‘人鬼’以及,将人鬼从人类世界抹除的谜之组织‘脑人’手中,守护人类。 ……但这一切,还差得远呢。 某日,突然得到英雄之力的女高中生·鬼头遥,在接受了神秘男·桃井阵的指令委托后开始引动了这个世界!“你是有伙伴的。首先你得找到‘桃井太郎’! 然后向其宣示效忠!”桃井太郎到底是谁……? ...