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这一季当中的话题分别由性别歧视,性取向探索,职场欺凌,家庭主妇纠结,婚姻痛苦,青少年成长,中产阶级挣扎 ,等等组成,很多观众表示,看这个剧是对婚姻和家庭最大的恐惧。F is for family 是美国越南战争之后的一个家庭黑色喜剧。尤其的亮点是:毒品,钱,摇滚乐。第二季不如第一季好看但是仍然有很多笑点,并没有马头男那么经典但绝对值得一看。 这个动画算不上是喜剧动画,应该说是正剧更恰当一些,用动画的形式再现了七十年代的美国。越战,各种社会顽疾,维权运动,贫富差距等等,都在这个动画里有所体现。虽说主演是由喜剧演员Bill Burr配音的,但却掩盖不了整部片子里浓浓的悲观情调。
The show follows the misadventures of the infamous Black Hat, a vulgar and sharply dressed narcissistic inhuman fiend who does his part to make the world a little more vile and its heroes a little more dead. Aiding him (with varying degrees of consent) are his cohorts, meek scientist Dr. Flug, the neurotic and adorably failed bestial genetic experiment 5.0.5, and his biggest (and most violently deranged) fan-girl Demencia. Written by Cameron Iacono