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Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground attraction. Teresa, a naughty 6-year-old girl, is jealous of her little brother, baby Jon. When visiting the fair, she discovers Tim while he is being exhibited and she will become infatuated with him. Tim, at the same time, will see in her an opportunity to escape. Hidden in Teresa's house and protected by her, they live several adventures, becoming inseparable friends. Over time, matching with the end of the spring, Tim begins to transform in a Little tree. He has been away from his world and his people for too long, and only by helping him to return will Tim be saved. There is no time to lose, but be careful Vladimir is lurking.
与2006年的前作《金钻鼠王》一样,这部阿根廷儿童电影将栩栩如生的电脑制图人物与真实演员呈现于同一银幕。这部电影继续讲述心地善良的Perez的故事。一个在夜间活动的老鼠,晚上偷偷溜进孩子们的卧室,收集孩子们枕头底下的乳牙,并留下硬币作为回报。但这只是它生活的一个方面。在白天,他便在一个珍珠船上打打杂,而这种双面的生活,让这只老鼠疲惫不堪。有一天,Perez再次冒着被抓住的风险流进了Lucas的卧室,发现Lucas还没睡,正等着这只老鼠呢。无奈之下,Perez只能等着Lucas睡着后在行动,但Perez自己却打起了瞌睡。这时,另一只住在Lucas家里的长相迷人的老鼠 Lola发现了Perez。于是它们一起离开了卧室,并且两人关系进展迅速。Lucas教Perez跳萨尔萨舞和贝克塔舞。就在这时,一个叫Gil Penkoff的表演商想出了个阴谋,他偷偷瞄上了...
Every year, the elves come from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground attraction. Teresa, a naughty 6-year-old girl, is jealous o...