2018 喜剧片 匈牙利
2018 喜剧片 泰国

邦(Nat Kitcharit 饰)和珠儿(缇恰·翁迪普卡侬 Ticha Wongthipkanont 饰)都是App创新团队的负责人,一场意外中,他们邂逅了。迅速拉近的距离和内心的悸动带给了邦灵感,令他发明出了一个寻找和自己有着相同爱好的人的 交友App“Inviter”。让邦没有想到的是,没过多久,市面上就出现了另一个差不多的App,而这个App的开发者正是珠儿,这两个人一下子就变为了竞争对手。App创新团队争霸赛即将拉开序幕,这次各团队要争夺的,是高达1亿泰铢的奖金。在比赛中,邦和珠儿不是冤家不聚头,在剑拔弩张的气氛之中,两人的爱火也在暗处默默的燃烧着。

2018 剧情片 其它


2018 剧情片 中国大陆
2018 动作片 印度


2018 剧情片 希腊
2018 科幻片 其它
  Alone in Space is a high concept adventurous, warm and funny genre feature film that doesn't shy away from big questions about life and death. Alone in Space takes the audience on a ride with two kids lost in space, accompanied by a friendly alien.
2018 剧情片 印度
  Soorma is the story of the triumph of the human spirit, about a player, who made headlines for his miraculous comeback after facing a near death experience through sheer determination, hard work and unrelenting passion for the sport.
2018 剧情片 印度
2018 剧情片 印度
  It is winter in a prestigious all boys' boarding school, where children continue to practice age-old rituals and codes bound by years of hierarchy of the popular norm. Shay is picked at constantly, the main perpetrators being Arjun, the tall athletic sports captain and his best friend Baadal. Shay and Prithi, the spunky daughter of the new Junior School Principal are cast as Bassanio and Portia in the Founders Day production of Merchant of Venice. Murali, the charismatic drama teacher unknowingly adds salt to Baadal's wounds by casting him as Shay's understudy. Indignant, Baadal vows to get Shay's part at any cost and turns to his buddy Arjun for help. Events take a sinister turn when Shay walks in on Arjun, Baadal and their cronies on a debauched night.
2018 剧情片 其它
  他和她在派对里相遇,相爱,同居,互相讲述童年的回忆、共同的回忆和其他爱的回忆;忧郁男子随处都能看见过往的悲伤,乐观女子则对眼前生活充满热情。俩人的恋情色彩随快乐与否,在一起或分开不断变化,但关系却不照顺序进行,而是依附在不断闪回的记忆场景,借着相异的个性与情绪制造出二种版本的爱情故事。他们的记忆如诗一般流动,情感混合光明与黑暗,并驶于故事轨道上。  瓦莱里奥・米艾里 ,1978 年生于罗马,是法国、义大利作家、导演兼编剧。他在罗马取得哲学硕士学位,亦获得义大利电影实验中心的导演文凭,同时是欧洲电影学院的成员。2009年首部长片《Dieci inverni》获得义大利银缎带奖,并出版同名小说。
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它
  25-year-old Sibel lives with her father and sister in a secluded village in the mountains of Turkey's Black Sea region. Sibel is a mute, but she communicates by using the ancestral whistled language of the area. Rejected by her fellow villagers, she relentlessly hunts down a wolf that is said to be prowling in the neighbouring forest, sparking off fears and fantasies among the village women. There she crosses path with a fugitive. Injured, threatening and vulnerable, he is the first one to take a fresh look at her.
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 剧情片 西班牙
2018 剧情片 其它
  On a tramway that connects several of Jerusalem's neighborhoods from East to West, a mosaic of people from different religious and ethnic backgrounds are brought together
2018 剧情片 其它
  前警官Asger Holm接到一通电话,来自一个被绑架的女人,当电话突然挂断后,搜寻那位女性的行动正式展开。这通电话是惟一的线索,警官需要与时间赛跑,拯救她于危难之中,然而他逐渐意识到他所处理的案件远比自己想象的要复杂很多。
2018 剧情片 其它
  故事发生在墨西哥城的一个中产阶级社区“罗马”,讲述年轻女佣克里奥(雅利扎·阿巴里西奥饰)在雇主索菲亚(玛丽娜·德·塔维拉饰)家中工作,该家中索菲亚的丈夫长期在外,由女佣克里奥照顾索菲的四个孩子。突如其来的两个意外,同时砸中了女佣克里奥和雇主索菲亚,两人究竟该如何面对苦涩茫然的生活?四位孩子似乎是希望所在。 这是以导演阿方索·卡隆的儿时记忆铸成的影片,而卡隆其实就是片中某一位小孩。
2018 剧情片 大陆
  1月18日晚,享誉海外的电影《红萼纷纷》在高平市举行国内首映式。这部与中国传统的乡村生活为背景,反映中国式亲情、民族传承的影片,此前在意大利举办全球首映式引发海外各界的高度关注。该影片由山西传媒学院、中共高平市委、高平市人民政府、山西蓝晨影视文化有限公司联合拍摄。  高平市市委书记范兆森、高平市市长邹树琦、高平市市委副书记原健、高平市人大主任张志刚、高平市政协主席李培安等高平市四套班子领导、影片主创人员及影片原型李丽丽一家出席首映式,并与高平市机关干部共同观看了影片。高平市市委常委、宣传部长牛晓明致辞。山西传媒学院党委副书记王俊刚、影片导演黄晓明讲述了影片的台前幕后。  影片《红萼纷纷》以高平市北城办王寺村村民李丽丽为原型,讲述了她父母哥哥都是残疾人,为了改善家庭状况摆脱贫困,李丽丽不屈不挠一手撑起家,通过借钱养羊改善全家人生活的感人故事。该影片深刻揭示了高平市炎帝文化中传承下来的以情为本的生活方式的真谛,真实反映了高平市农村的民族文化基因,进一步展现了高平儿女的光辉形象,弘扬了高平好人精神,传播了时代正能量。
2018 科幻片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 恐怖片 其它
  Entrapped in his apartment, Randal Hendricks, a recent paraplegic, is given a gift of binoculars by his devoted girlfriend, Pam. But Randal is in financial debt to Emmie, a sadistic loan ...
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 恐怖片 其它
2018 恐怖片 其它
  In the course of a demonstration in Rome against the opening of a refugee camp, an apocalypse qiwan.cc of zombies breaks out.
2018 恐怖片 其它
  Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company on a post-mega-disaster wasteland zombie film in which South America had been turned into an all-purpose, all-materials junkyard, with the undead as the last humane entities around (forget about the humans here!).  The project never materialised, but Diego Parés, Pablo’s brother, started to write and draw a comic series based on the screenplay – which so far remains a ruin, as only parts were finished and published. The ECish beauty and balls of Diego P.’s labour of love have now been congenially transformed by the directorial duo into a delightfully old-(1970s)school low-budget production, closer to Romero and Dante than Fulci and Lenzi. And the IFFR audience is in for the treat of treats they get to see the film and can also enjoy the unfinished comic in an exhibition.
2018 动作片 其它
2018 恐怖片 其它
  Would you believe in a policewoman who suffers from such serious panic disorders that she is afraid to get close to any crime scene and has been on permanent office duty for more than a decade Would you believe a lone mother who is unfit to pay her mortgage and also raise her rebellious teenage daughter Indeed, no one believes that the troubled ex-detective has discovered a serial murder case. Personal dramas and a murder mystery unfold in present-day Budapest, where demonstrations are part of the pre-election life of a city still trying to cope with the shadows of its historical and recent past. It is a city where nothing seems honest and true, except through the eyes of an emotionally unstable policewoman and her misfit daughter who wants to know who her father truly was.  入围第32届华沙电影节新导演单元
2018 恐怖片 其它
2018 恐怖片 泰国
  The story of a young woman who is recovering from a mental condition after she is severely attacked. The mental illness caused her to fight anxiety. And some stories that even she could not distinguish The image of fear is true or she is afraid of his subconscious mind.
2018 动作片 英国
2018 动作片 其它
Eka  Nusa  Pertiwi  Guh  S  Mana  Yusron  Fuadi 
2018 喜剧片 其它
  CLOUD WHISPERS (WT) tells the tragicomic story of 60-year old Charlotte, who leaves her old life behind at a motorway pull-in in order to embark on a road trip with her granddaughter Jo and a dead cat. Her husband Paul and her daughter Alex are left puzzled and somewhat shocked. Charlotte and Jo's first impulse just to run away develops more and more into a self-determined new beginning. Far away from home and out of old patterns, they dive deep into the here and now, facing their fears and welcoming the surprises which only life and love can offer. But Paul catches up to Charlotte. Yet he has first to learn how to dream again or he will never get her back. Whereas Alex will fall deeply in love with someone she would have never expected. And Jo realizes that there is more between heaven and earth, than she will ever get out of her scientific book collection...
2018 喜剧片 其它
  Comrade Draculich is a romantic vampire tale set in the cold war era. In the early 70's, Fabian the vampire returns home to the People's Republic of Hungary from the imperialist west, and immediately becomes a target of the communist secret police. During surveillance, love unfolds between the vampire and Maria, the young female comrade, who is assigned to spy on the mysterious stranger. She must make a choice between a monster and the regime that exploits her. This satirical love story mixes elements of spy and vampire movies. Through its depiction of the paranoid Hungarian communist regime, it reflects on our present, where surveillance is a global concern.
2018 喜剧片 其它
  On his first day as a fourth-grader, Sune is welcomed by an unwanted surprise. A new boy is in his seat, and he's everything Sune wants to be. Not only that, but his name is also Sune - it's the worst possible start to the fourth grade.
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 恐怖片 马来西亚
2018 科幻片 其它

12-year old dreamer Vlad likes telling fantastic stories about his courage to his summer camp friends, although he is a bit of a coward himself. But one day Vlad finds himself in a real adventure as he accidentally gets caught in a conflict between two alien forces. Shapeshifting Trashmen, descendants of an ancient alien civilization, try to disable electricity on the whole planet by deactivating the defensive shield that protects the Earth from an approaching solar wave. In this way they challenge the all-powerful and mysterious Energy that enabled humanity's technological progress and which we depend on more than ever. In this battle Vlad is helped by a transformer box called the Bobot, which holds the key to saving the world. While telling stories about fictional courage is easy, Vlad will find out that overcoming his fear in the real world is quite a challenge. Mankind's future lies solely in his hands.

2018 剧情片 其它
  Diego is 17 and is full of life, yet fragile. His best friend Antonio knows and indulges his weaknesses, but he would also like to see him strong and masculine. One night they meet Maria, a breezy natural beauty. To show that he is a real man, Diego, is ready to do anything, even to force himself to do things he would never have wanted to do. Written by The Open Reel
2018 剧情片 其它
  This is the story about man who had a great way. His adventures and losses, his life make you to be surprised. We invite you in the middle ages - a times of darkness, of heroes, of big power and of eternity love.
2018 剧情片 印度
  《帕德玛瓦蒂王后》改编自16世纪一首苏菲史诗《Padmavati》,原是讲述印度战斗民族拉杰普特人王后的史诗,主要描述她为民族和人民对抗外来敌人的故事,其中皇后为了保护自己清誉而自焚。  根据16世纪的同名史诗改编,讲述了斯里兰卡公主、拉杰普特人的王后帕德玛瓦蒂的倾城美貌导致德里苏丹发兵攻打她的夫君,欲将她夺为己有。苏丹虽然战胜,却没能得到帕德玛瓦蒂
2018 剧情片 其它
  In a timeless México where women are disappearing, a girl called Huck wears a mask to hide her gender. She helps her dad, a tormented addict, to take care of an abandoned baseball camp where the narcos gather to play. The father tries to protect her as he can. With the help of her friends, a group of lost boys who have the power of camouflaging themselves in the windy desert, Huck has to fight to overcome her reality and to defeat the local capo.
2018 剧情片 印度
  Two villages in Rayalaseema, Nallagudi and Kommadi are engaged in a feud for decades lead by Basi Reddy and Narapa Reddy respectively. The son of Narapa Reddy, Veera Raghava Reddy, returns from London after completing his education. Basi Reddy attacks and kills Narapa Reddy on their way home. Raghava instinctively takes a sword and kills his opponents. After talking to his grandmother about the feud, he realizes that violence became a way of life for the people in these villages and he leaves for Hyderabad seeking a solution to the feud. Raghava meets Aravindha in Hyderabad and falls in love with her. She strongly believes in solving problems without bloodshed and sets him on a path of self-discovery. He decides to return to his village and put an end to the feud.
2018 剧情片 其它
Tom  Chodorov  Asaf  Peri  Or  Asher 
2018 剧情片 西班牙
2018 剧情片 印度
  兰伽斯塔拉姆村,一个饱受独裁村长和协会高利贷折磨的村庄。主人公奇提巴布(拉姆 . 查兰)是一个先天听力障碍的人。他的哥哥给一个叫做拉玛拉克希米(萨曼莎)的女孩出头,结果在村务委员会上受到了协会会长的侮辱。奇提巴布在得知一切之后暴打了这个会长从而被警察带到了警局关了起来。哥哥为了救他出来,求到了村长家,反而又被侮辱。最后议长出钱保释了奇提巴布。这时,哥哥决定竞选村长,结束 30 年来村长的独裁统治。但是,以往的竞选者都被村长秘密的杀死了,哥哥最后能成功当上村长吗 ... 这竞选背后究竟有什么阴谋呢?@m.yakutv.cc
2018 剧情片 其它
  两个女孩开始谈论另一个女孩,即两人的前爱人。随着她们的关系越来越密切,两人之间的隔阂也越来越大,因为她们其中一人正在寻找答案和爱情,但又闭门不出。在今天的罗马尼亚,这是在令人窒息的偏见中对爱情的尝试。微博 亿万同人字幕分享
2018 剧情片 其它
  塔利亚·桑德维克·莫尔[羞耻]、安德莉亚·巴伦·郝威格[我属于]加盟[洞窟]导演亨里克·马丁·道斯贝肯情色惊悚新作[外遇](An Affair,暂译)。18岁的塔利亚将化身学生,对片中44岁的女教师(安德莉亚·巴伦·郝威格 饰)疯狂迷恋,并发生迷离婚外情......
2018 剧情片 印度
  Under the 'Evening Shadows', truth often plays hide and seek. Set in South India and Mumbai, 'Evening Shadows' is a tender heartwarming story about a mother-son bond that has to withstand the ravages of time, distance and truths.
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它
  One night seven years ago, Rafael came home after work and discovered that people he did not know had come looking for him. He immediately fled, without looking back. From that moment on, his life changed, as if that night had never ended
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 喜剧片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它
  For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny's intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.
2018 剧情片 其它
  In the early '90s, the Yugoslavian Government cancelled the autonomy of Kosovo, dissolved its Parliament and closed down the National Television. All institutional life was reorganized by the new authorities, while the majority of the citizens responded with peaceful demonstrations. During this terrible time, Fadili, who works as an archivist, has to choose between two options, knowing that both of them are wrong. He therefore involuntarily and unwillingly swallows the shame, endures the pressure bearing down from all sides and puts up with the bad reputation for only one reason to provide for his family.
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 喜剧片 其它
  Antonio 跟 Paolo 同居於柏林,生活美滿,兩人決定結束愛情長跑,結婚共渡餘生,不過他們其中一個還未向親友出櫃、另一個則跟媽媽再沒往來。為了得到家人的祝福,他們只好飛返意大利家鄉宣告婚事,同行的還有他們的喪爆房東和室友。一趟意大利旅程,引發軒然大波!七國咁亂,難關重重,要怎樣才能成就百年好合的幸福終局?改編自2003年首演的外百老匯同名音樂劇,浪漫惹笑,勇奪意大利票房佳績,笑爆戲院,叫好叫座。
2018 剧情片 马来西亚
  The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It follows the lives of everyday people, who come together for their common love their country. Each of the stories told shows the meaning of being a true Malaysian.
2018 喜剧片 大陆
  鲲鹏大陆,是一个无神无妖的地界,小七,托了自己师父的福,穿越过去落在王爷北宫 炎的床顶…… 女主小七意外在古董市场认了一个师父,被师父算计穿越到了鲲鹏大陆,以‘猫身’落 在北宫炎的床顶,后沾了北宫炎的血,恢复人形。起初,北宫炎带着目的性的霸宠小七,慢慢的一颗心为她沉沦。 小七被北宫炎霸占之后,很是排斥,但北宫炎对小七悉心照顾,慢慢的小七感受到了温暖,接受了北宫炎;小七得到的自由越来越多,于是她开赌坊、建酒楼、笼络人才搜集情报、 在鲲鹏大陆混的风生水起;除此之外,南夜国的太子殿下南风辰也对米小七产生了浓厚的兴趣。南风辰一袭红衣倾天下,性格乖张,身后却藏着巨大的阴谋......
2018 喜剧片 其它
  下巴伐利亚的警察弗朗茨(塞巴斯蒂安·贝策尔 Sebastian Bezzel 饰)因为工作失误而被下放到慕尼黑,接手管理他的是那里出了名的严厉女上司。在好友的帮助下,弗朗茨总算在新城市落地生根了,但此时的他并不知道,一场狂风巨浪正在黑暗里汹涌的等待着他。  不久之前,弗朗茨父亲的汽车被盗了,当弗朗茨接到通知说车找到时,他万万没有想到,和汽车一起被发现的,还有后备箱里一具被保鲜膜紧紧包裹着的尸体。经过警方的调查,尸体的身份为一名来自塞尔维亚的女学生,更蹊跷的是,她的腹中还怀着孩子。与此同时,弗朗茨自己的个人生活也发生剧变,他和苏西之间的感情正在经历前所未有的考验。
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 剧情片 印度
  To chase her dream of going to school in her remote Himalayan village, a feisty paraplegic girl locks horns with her tradition-bound grandfather.  Sprightly Chuskit's dream of going to school is cut short when she is rendered a paraplegic after an accident. She's confined to life indoors in the company of her strict grandfather, Dorje. Chuskit continues to harbor hopes of school but Dorje tries to make her understand that school can't handle her needs. As life at home gets harder, her battle with her grandfather exacerbates. Caught in between their struggle are Chuskit's parents and her enterprising brother who want to respect the old world views that Dorje represents, but also want to keep Chuskit's spirit alive. Chuskit will have to get her grandfather to yield or she will have to accept the reality he has chosen for her.
2018 喜剧片 印度
  The life of three friends takes a tragic turn due to an inflated electricity bill, which leads to a courtroom molikan.com drama and social awakening.
2018 剧情片 其它
2018 剧情片 其它