1971 剧情片 其它
  这部影片讲的是幼儿园园长如何引导三个惯犯走上正道的故事。事有凑巧,可爱的特罗什金与危险的窃贼多岑特长得就像一对孪生兄弟。警方让其深入多岑特犯罪团伙,打探他们藏匿赃物的处所。但越狱了的真多岑特令事情节外生枝。将这部电影归入新年喜剧是因为,逃犯承认其生活方式不对这一最感人的情节恰好发生在辞旧迎新之际。《幸运先生》不仅仅是一部新年喜剧,事实上这部影片被视为最好的苏联电影之一。没有确切的统计数字,但主观感觉这部电影是苏联电影中产生名言名句最多的一部,粗略估算就有一百五十多句。莫斯科电影制片厂对面建了一尊叶甫根尼·列昂诺夫(Evgeniy Leonov)饰演多岑特一角的纪念铜像。俄罗斯几乎没人认不出这位著名演员和铜像上电影情节中的人物。有趣的是,有关部门曾因这部电影中有大量监狱俚语而不敢将其搬上银幕,最后还是(苏共总书记)列昂尼德·勃列日涅夫(Leonid Brezhnev)亲自拍板才使这部影片得以上映。
1999 喜剧片 其它
  After the corrupt former Mayor is killed by the peasants, poor janitor Juan Vargas is appointed new Mayor of a desert town in central Mexico. Although he tries to bring the motto of the ruling party to town (modernity, peace and progress) he realizes soon that there's nothing to do against corruption... except to become corrupt. Step by step, helped by his pistol, Juan Vargas becomes the law and the worst Major in the town's history.    故事讲述墨西哥农民杀死腐败的前市长后,不幸的看门人阿瓦尔加斯在墨西哥中部被任命为一个沙漠镇的新市长,他努力提倡执政党的新意识,到任不久就立下反对腐败的座右铭,但反对也开始变得腐败,一步步在他的枪手帮助下,阿瓦尔加斯成为法郎和镇上历史最恶劣的一页。
1971 恐怖片 其它
  Duccio Tessari's rare Giallo starring Helmut Berger, Giancarlo Sbragia, Evelyn Stewart, Silvano Tranquilli Carole Andre. A young student is murdered in a park by an unseen assailant during a heavy thunderstorm. The murderer makes his escape, but is identified by a number of people at the park exit. A sports presenter from a local TV channel, Alessandro Marchi, is quickly arrested, and despite protestations of innocence, is charged with the murder.  Marchi calls his lawyer, who promises to have him released very soon, but when it comes to the trial the lawyers case is a weak one, full of holes, and Marchi is duly found guilty.  All is not what it seems and it soon becomes apparent that the lawyer is having an affair with Marchi's wife and obviously does not have Marchi's best interests at heart…
2019 恐怖片 印度
  改编自2012年西班牙悬疑剧《女尸迷案》。  10年前的某夜,两辆汽车发生肇事后,一辆车将另外一辆车撞下悬崖。  10年后,霸道有钱的女高管,从美国回来当天心脏病突发死亡,结果当晚尸体在殡仪馆失踪。赶来的刑警,要求女高管丈夫来殡仪馆接受调查。在殡仪馆调查期间,丈夫多次发现女高管的痕迹,认定女高管未死。丈夫终于向刑警老实交代:自己出轨女学生,为了夺取女高管财产,设计了心脏病死亡的假象。此时,刑警开始露出真容,原来当年交通事故中死亡的是刑警的妻子,刑警女儿为了复仇和丈夫搞婚外恋,唆使丈夫杀害女高管。
2016 剧情片 西班牙
2017 恐怖片 其它
  Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey, a journey that will lead him to discover that his nightmares hide a shocking truth, something darker and more sinister than he ever imagined.