1973 恐怖片 其它
2021 恐怖片 其它
1977 恐怖片 其它
  在一场艺术品拍卖会上,汤姆(丹尼斯·霍珀 Dennis Hopper 饰)遇见了名为乔纳森(布鲁诺·甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)的男人。乔纳森患有血液方面的疾病,这对于他那并不富裕的家庭来说无异于雪上加霜。黑手党找到了汤姆希望他能够帮他们完成一项暗杀任务,不愿意铤而走险的汤姆想到了乔纳森。  汤姆向乔纳森保证,如果后者能够代替他完成任务,那么汤姆的家庭将会得到一大笔的报酬,与此同时,汤姆贿赂了乔纳森的主治医师,两人合伙蒙骗了乔纳森,让他以为自己的病情发生了急速恶化。就这样,心中充满了痛苦和绝望的乔纳森走上了一条不归路,而看着乔纳森苦苦挣扎的模样,汤姆的心中竟然也产生了一种说不清道不明的情绪。
2015 恐怖片 其它
1972 恐怖片 西班牙
1972 恐怖片 其它
  A young woman (Rosemary Wilcox) is haunted by pop-Freudian dreams of her recently murdered psychologist (and lover), so for some reason she goes to a resort where the psychologist liked to hang out and becomes involved with a gangster (Adolf Celli) and the strange female resort owner (Alida Valli). Soon more murders occur involving the other guests at the resort.
1972 动作片 其它
  Fernando Di Leo's Milano Calibro 9 is an out-and-out masterpiece of Italian Crime cinema and, in my opinion, one of the most astonishing crime stories ever told. The first film in Di Leo's excellent 'Milieu' trilogy, Milano Calibro 9 was followed by La Mala Ordina (aka. Manhunt, also 1972) and the brilliant Il Boss (1973). The three films are not connected story-wise, but all three are excellent, and highly realistic portrayals of organized crime. As far as I am concerned Manhunt is (allthough excellent) slightly inferior to this one and Il Boss which both stand out as absolute all-time highlights of crime cinema. Milano Calibro 9 is the best of them all, a film that is astonishing in all aspects, be it the ingenious plot that, apart from a compelling story and clever twists, includes social criticism, the performances, the gritty atmosphere and suspense or the brilliant score. I can hardly find the right words to express my admiration for this masterpiece which easily ranks among the greatest Gangster flicks ever brought to screen.  Gastone Moschin stars as Ugo Piazza, a tough and elliptical ex-convict who has just been released from prison. Immediately after his release, Ugo is approached by members of the Milan mob lead by the irascible gangster Rocco (Mario Adorf), as they suspect him to be responsible for the disappearance of a large sum of money belonging to their boss, an American (Lionel Stander) who controls the organized crime in Milan...  Milano Calibro 9 is a film that delivers an astonishingly realistic mood of the underworld like hardly another. The intriguing storyline goes in hand with interesting characters, raw atmosphere, suspense and breathtaking action, social criticism and brutal violence. The film is simply stunning from the beginning to the end, which is even intensified by the brilliant score, a collaboration of the famous composer Luis Enríquez Bacalov and the Italian Progressive Rock band Osanna. Ugo Piazza must be one of the most charismatic gangster characters ever in cinema, and Gastone Moschin was the prefect choice for the role. Moschin delivers a brilliant performance, and the rest of the cast is also great. Mario Adorf is irascible like a rabid dog as the ferocious gangster Rocco, a role that fits him like a glove. The great Lionel Stander fits perfectly in his role of the American Mafia Don.  The two cop characters in the film are played by two of the greatest regulars of Italian genre-cinema, Luigi Pistilli and Frank Wolff (who committed suicide before the film was released). The ravishing Barbara Bouchet is astonishing and incredibly sexy in the role of Ugo Piazza's stripper girlfriend. Bouchet is both a stunning beauty and an excellent actress and this is doubtlessly one of her most memorable roles. This is also a political film and director Di Leo embedded a lot of social criticism about topics like corruption. This film simply has everything one can possibly desire in cinema. Films like Milano Calibro 9 are the reason why I love cinema. This is an absolute masterpiece in all regards and, without exaggeration, one of the greatest Crime flicks ever made! The ingenious opening scene alone is more memorable than most films get in two hours.
1973 恐怖片 其它
2006 动作片 俄罗斯
1960 恐怖片 其它
  Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.
2012 恐怖片 其它
  本片讲述女孩安娜只身来到维也纳寻找男友,租下了一套古老破旧的维也纳公寓。充斥着各种花边的古旧家具,令安娜深感不适并开始不断侵占安娜的生活,老公寓背后的秘密逐步揭晓。  这部德语短片是由多米尼克·哈特尔拍摄,艺术设计为皮娅·伽罗斯。第16届上海国际电影节手机电影节最佳短片导演奖由于属于维也纳电影学院的毕业作品,全片共耗资近两万六欧元。
2017 动作片 印度
  Vikram是一位铁面无私、嫉恶如仇的警察,在他管辖的区域内,有一个臭名昭著的帮派头目Vedha,背负有16条人命,是整个警局最想要绳之以法的歹徒之一。  正当Vikram和其手下绞尽脑汁寻找Vedha时,这位神龙见首不见尾的印度古惑仔却把自己送到了警局投案。 然而一切却没有想象之中那么顺利,Vedha在接受Vikram审讯时,为Vikram讲述了3个真实的故事,这彻底改变了Vikram非黑即白的对错观。而随着故事的展开,原本昭然欲揭的案情却渐渐变得扑朔迷离起来……
2022 恐怖片 其它
  Based on an allegedly real-life paranormal case that occurred in Mardin, a Southeastern Anatolian city.
2020 动作片 印度
2019 记录片 其它
  Sortir de l’atelier et peindre la nature telle qu’elle se présente à nous c’est ainsi que l’on peut résumer l’impressionnisme. Son plus célèbre représentant, Claude Monet, a de tout temps cherché à rompre avec l’académisme au profit d’une approche novatrice. Ce documentaire met en lumière des lieux qui ont inspiré le peintre,  de la gare Saint-Lazare à Argenteuil en passant par Giverny et Rouen.  Le musée Barberini de Potsdam, qui consacre au peintre français une rétrospective à partir du 22 février 2020, a choisi de refléter l'importance cruciale que les différents lieux de sa vie ont revêtu dans son œuvre. Au départ de Paris et de la gare Saint-Lazare, on découvre ainsi sa vision d'Argenteuil, avant d’explorer Rouen – dont la cathédrale doit très certainement sa renommée mondiale à l'artiste –, puis Giverny, son jardin et ses nymphéas, qui furent le principal objet de son travail durant de longues années. Biographes, historiens de l’art, photographes et admirateurs apportent tour à tour un éclairage précis et actuel sur la relation passionnée du peintre à la nature, à ses motifs et à ses jeux de lumière.
2019 喜剧片 其它
  Women on the Run. Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route into four parts, and they'll overcome the over 42-kilometer-long challenge as a family relay team. Of course, the fact that neither of them has ever ran even a meter poses no problem.
1969 喜剧片 其它
  A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.
2014 喜剧片 其它
1958 喜剧片 其它
2003 科幻片 其它
1967 科幻片 其它
  ◎简  介  1976年戛纳正式竞赛片,想象力令世人震惊.  帕维尔.祖拉契克,捷克新浪潮电影运动中的天才导演,被誉为捷克新浪潮电影革命中真正的灵魂,做为整个东欧电影新生运动中最独特的剧作家之一,他创作了好几部在捷克东欧电影史上占有重要地位的影片.  黑白电影“The End of August at the Hotel Ozone”出品于1967年。它是编剧Pavel Juracek和导演Jan Schmidt合作的第二部作品,这两人是可以代表上世纪60年代捷克电影新浪潮流派的两位天才。  在当时的东欧,一些有政治报复的电影人希望通过银幕来唤醒人们对极权的认知和反抗,但囿于体制壁垒难以使用现实主义体裁,于是拍出了大量科幻、童话、象征或神秘主义电影。Juracek和Schmidt正是属于这一阵营。  故事开始于一场几乎毁掉全人类的战争之后,山野里出现由一个老妇带领的八个年轻姑娘,她们一路跋涉,寻找食物和或许还活着的男人,希望成为“新世界之母”。  当时东西方核储备竞争造成的末世恐慌是这部电影想当然的象征物,却不像其它多数末世电影般先给出一片荒土和废墟的影像,并将角色披上盔甲、戴上面罩,塑造得如机器人一般——在“The End of August at the Hotel Ozone”里,大地一片盎然生机,植物在疯长,到处都是动物,片中的八位姑娘个个也健康丰满、强壮矫健。她们就这样生活在饱和到几乎溢出来的自然之中,只是见不到人,祖先留给她们的是枪弹、炸药和汽油。  影片强调她们是因懂事前就脱离了社会与文明,于是不再具备某些被公认的“人性”。片中有一些很残酷的镜头——动物保护主义者一定难以忍受——譬如像一群狼一样把一头奶牛剖开、用枪托砸碎一只一直渴望跟随她们的狗的脑袋等等。经历过文明的老妇教会她们怎样使用语言、文字、杯子和枪,但没有办法使她们成为文明人,因为她们失去了社会。  影片后半部里他们遇到了一个孤独活在农场里的老人,从他那里见识了诸多文明的遗迹,譬如一台再也放不出的电视、一张旧报纸和一架械动留声机,她们只对留声机感兴趣——这里电影似乎在暗示:音乐与文明之间并非有必然的联系。  最终老妇因病去世,姑娘们冷漠地准备抛下农场老人离开,并要带走那架动留声机,老人豁然明白她们不懂感恩、毫无人情,他被姑娘们枪杀了。  电影里有太多的象征与隐喻,每个人都可以给出自己的解释。另外,其黑白影像细节锐利而构图绝妙,从远景到人物脸部特写的镜头切换干净果断、了无痕迹。无论从内涵还是美学来估判,这都是部深刻的经典之作。  其实,上文中提到的那些极权下勇于政治干涉的电影人,他们中的一些在革命者和艺术家两种角色之间终于晃晕了脑袋。本来,他们是不得不用一些象征、意象、解构的方式来呈现其主题,结果主题却被形式颠覆了,他们的后期作品成为了干脆的试验影像,尽管依旧精妙,却已是空中楼阁。
2024 剧情片 英国


2024 剧情片 其他
2016 科幻片 美国

美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)带领着全新组建的复仇者联盟,继续维护世界和平。然而,一次执行任务时联盟成员不小心造成大量平民伤亡,从而激发政治压力,政府决定通过一套监管系统来管理和领导复仇者联盟。联盟内部因此分裂为两派:一方由史蒂夫· 罗杰斯领导,他主张维护成员自由,在免受政府干扰的情况下保护世界;另一方则追随托尼·斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰),他令人意外地决定支持政府的监管和责任制体系。神秘莫测的巴基(塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 Sebastian Stan 饰)似乎成为内战的关键人物……
