2019 剧情片 其它
  盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔将主演帕布罗·拉雷恩([第一夫人])执导的[厄玛](Ema,暂译),吉列尔莫·考尔德隆([追捕聂鲁达])与亚历杭德罗·莫雷诺(Alejandro Moreno)共同操刀剧本,其他加盟的卡司包括玛丽安娜·迪·吉罗拉莫(Mariana Di Girolamo)、桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉(《大小谎言》)。加西亚与玛丽安娜饰演一对夫妻,在经历了一场收养后,整个家庭都分崩离析。这也是继[智利说不]、[追捕聂鲁达]之后加西亚与帕布罗第三度合作。影片已在智利开拍。
1972 剧情片 其它
  是一部1972年的东德苏联保加利亚合拍科幻电影,改编自东德作家 Angel Wagenstein 的同名科幻小说。  八艘太空飞船同时消失三天,Margot空间站也突然无线电失联。Maria 教授和太空理事会被迫下令,直到查明突发事件的原因前,禁止所有飞船离开地球。但一个神秘的「Eolomea计划」逐渐浮出水面,来自天鹅座的信号将把人们引向何方?  影片评价:   是一部令人印象深刻、节奏紧凑的科幻作品,影片中大胆地运用了非线性叙述,各种叙述线索夹杂其中,并最终交汇在一起。  影片在布景、服装和配乐上下来很大功夫,着力营造出了一个真实的太空旅行时代的乌托邦场景。演员的表演也是非常一流,俄国、东德、保加利亚的演员人物形象塑造得非常立体。尤其是扮演女主角的德国女星,留下不少美颜动人的镜头。  本片同时还有很多值得讨论深思的「终极命题」,比如个人命运与组织的关系;人类的终极使命的问题;官僚体系束缚与理想的关系;机器人的道德与服从,等等问题。
2011 剧情片 英国
  男子学校的课堂上,男孩们等待着老师的到来。当一脸严肃的男老师走进来的时候,气氛一下子变得沉闷不堪。教室广播突然响起:同学们,今天学校将会有一些改革和变化。你们的老师将会对于你们的未来给出建议和规划,而你们需要做的就是仔细地听取老师们的建议,并严格遵从他们的指示。你们将是学校和同学们的骄傲。  广播播报完毕后,男老师在黑板上写下“2 2=5”。大家都非常吃惊,这根本就不符合常理。但是老师宣称这是让男孩们学会的第一个“真理”。一片安静过后,男孩们都跟随老师一起读着。终于,一个男孩举手质疑这个答案。可是在老师的强迫下,他默默地坐下了。此时第二个男孩也站起来跟老师争辩。可是老师的答案却是:你不需要任何思考。男老师甚至找来大学生来恐吓这个男孩,他的同班同学更是不想惹祸上身。老师再次疾言厉色地问道:答案到底是几?男孩毅然在黑板上写下了:4。随之,悲剧的一幕发生了……
1992 剧情片 大陆
  抗日战争时期,河北省涞源县上庄村,有个放牛娃王二小(丁俨 饰),父母被鬼子杀害后他参加了儿童团。一次,八路军县大队打了一个漂亮的伏击战,吃亏的鬼子展开疯狂扫荡,到处寻找八路军后方机关和伤病员。二小主动请缨进城为伤员买药,立功心切的二小满以为完成任务会得到货郎爷爷的表扬,不料对他未经批准独自行动的做法货郎爷爷进行了批评。进山送药途中,货郎爷爷遇难牺牲,小伙伴告诉他,舅舅狗剩当了汉奸,二小不敢相信自己的耳朵。鬼子小野带人突然包围了村子,威逼乡亲们说出八路军后方机关,残忍杀害了小伙伴秫秸,二小挺身而出,说自己知道八路军在哪儿,叫小野放过众乡亲。小野信以为真......
2001 喜剧片 其它
  Муратова сделала пародию на собственные прежние фильмы. Тут тебе и Астенический синдром, и Перемена участи, и Три истории, чьим мрачным продолжением, кстати, и должны были стать Второстепенные люди. Но режиссер умудрилась сделать так, чтобы жестокая агрессия и вялая апатия уступили место построенному ей уютному миру выморочного абсурда, который выглядит уютным и счастливым, и вход туда свободен для всех...
2017 剧情片 其它
1979 剧情片 其它
1987 剧情片 法国
  The subject of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub’s Der Tod des Empedokles (The Death of Empedocles, 1987) is the Greek pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles (c. 490 BC – 430 BC), who lived in the Greek colony of Agrigentum in Sicily. His theories are mentioned in several of Plato’s dialogues. He maintained that all matter is made up of four irreducible elements water, earth, air and fire. A mystic and a poet, he is considered to be the founder of classical rhetoric. He is also thought to be the last Greek philosopher to write in verse; two fragments of his works survive Katharmoi (Purifications) and Peri Phuseôs (On Nature). An advocate of democracy, he came into conflict with his fellow citizens of Agrigentum and, as result, was banished with his young disciple, Pausanius. When he was asked to return, he preferred to commit suicide by throwing himself into the active volcano at Mount Aetna.  The German writer Friedrich Hölderlin wrote two versions of Der Tod des Empedokles in 1798 and 1800, and a final third version in 1820, all three ultimately unfinished. They were conceived as five-act tragedies and all three differ in plot. According to Michael Hamburger, Hölderlin’s English-language translator,  the main reason why Hölderlin finished no version of the play must be that he remained too closely identified with Empedocles, at the very period in his life when his own view of the poet as philosopher, prophet and priest – and as tragic hero – was subject to perpetual crisis and re-examination.  Huillet-Straub’s The Death of Empedocles is based on Hölderlin’s first version (the longest of the three), whereas Black Sin is based on the third version.
2010 剧情片 其它
  电影改编自真实事件。故事发生在挪威一座名为巴斯特瑞的小岛上,那里关押着许多年轻的犯人,他们的年龄最小的只有11岁,最大的也不过18岁。每一天,在这个封闭而又压抑的环境中,孩子们被迫做着超负荷的工作,因为只有这样,他们才能得到仅够果腹的食物。在这里,对犯人们的打骂是家常便饭,又是只因一个小小的失误,有时甚至连原因都没有。在这样糟糕的环境下,犯人们被驯化了,没有人想到反抗。  十七岁的厄令(本杰明·赫尔斯塔德 Benjamin Helstad 饰)刚刚抵达这座恶魔之岛,这里是他服刑的地方。岛上的残酷的生活让厄令感到绝望,当狱卒的压迫突破了临界点酿成悲剧之时,正是厄令带领着他的同伴们展开了暴力抵抗。就当厄令夺取了岛屿的统治权之时,挪威政府向岛上派出的150人的军队正在急速接近。
1980 恐怖片 其它
  I am awestruck by this movie. Fast zombies that can use weapons, even guns, and are capable of intelligent thought. They plot a strategic offensive to take over the city, hitting the airport, then the TV stations and the power plant. If you love horror, gory, and violent movies and don't mind a little bad acting, then you will LOVE this movie. It is exciting and even a bit suspenseful. It starts out fast and hard and maintains a steady pace of mayhem and carnage.  I can't believe more people haven't seen this film. I have yet to meet a horror movie buff that has seen this film before. It is a true gemstone of European horror and exploitation, definitely up to par with the classics of the genre such as Zombi 2, Demons, House by the Cemetery, etc. And it's even readily available uncut (92 minutes) on DVD from Anchor Bay (under the title Nightmare City) and on VHS under the title City of the Walking Dead. Super gory and violent, a must for fans of Italian grind house flicks.
2021 恐怖片 其它
  Antonio Poyju is a sorcerer who belongs to a powerful blood lineage. Antonio is being held in a asylum against his will. After an omen, Antonio understands of a great imminent danger. Her daughter Helena, heir to her blood, will be sacrificed by an evil entity. Helena lost her faith and disbelieves her father. Antonio must escape using his sorcerer power to rescue his daughter. For this, he must reconstruct the bond and make his daughter believe in him and in his own power.
1957 恐怖片 其它
Claus  Holm 
1988 喜剧片 其它
  Gray-haired furniture retailer Paul Winkelmann still has his dinner cooked and his laundry done by his mother. He spends his evenings playing Scrabble with Mama's friends and discussing the role of women in society in his carnival club. When he meets psychologist Margarete Tietze, Pussi finally begins to rebel against his dominant mother.
2015 喜剧片 其它
  翻拍自2012年的法国电影《起名风波》, 保罗家第一个孩子要出生了,不过家人朋友们似乎都不太喜欢他们两夫妻决定的名字。亚历山德罗·加斯曼饰演的这位性格外向又爱开玩笑的房产经纪人和他戏中身材热辣的畅销书作家老婆、姐姐:已有两个孩子,职业教师、姐夫:临时大学讲师兼挑剔写手, 跟他们的发小克劳迪奥,一位出色的音乐人一起,展现了他们之间怪异中平衡的关系...@www.lsjdyw.net