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《燃烧的棕榈》是一个关于在一个历史遗留下来的从未被开发的5个地方,那里没有任何的禁忌,发生了充满颠覆性的故事。这是一个太阳永远照耀的神奇地方,而且每个人都非常的漂亮可爱。但是仔细一看,你会发现,事情并不像表面看到的那样。5个混乱的故事即 将发生···《燃烧的棕榈》采用了图画小说的框架,这部电影将在美国洛杉矶的五个很受欢迎的社区制作成一个很有特色的展示板,像是通往黑暗的经常画漫画的命运通道。
Shuffle is the tale of a man who begins experiencing his life out of order; every day he wakes up at a different age, on a different day of his life, never knowing where or when he’s going to be once he falls asleep. He’s terrified and wants it to stop – until he notices a pattern in his experience, and works to uncover why this is happening to him – and what or who is behind...