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Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden, Germany. His contribution to a former colleague’s important project, a human regeneration gene, has the potential to make something miraculous out of a personal tragedy that has haunted him for years. Errors of the Human Body is a psychological thriller about one man’s quest for redemption from his own disturbing past, set within the mysterious world of genetic engineering.
儿童临床医学家凯瑟琳?迪恩(珍妮弗?洛佩斯 Jennifer Lopez 饰)供职于一家研究大脑的医疗研究机构,她的任务是通过高技术手段陷入幼年患者的梦境中,治愈她们幼小心灵中的疮疤。 警方接到报案,说当地有很多幼女失踪。负责此案的FBI探员(文斯?沃恩 Vince Vaughn 饰)断定,此举为一个连环作案的变态凶手所为。经过调查,警方锁定了犯罪嫌疑人——卡尔?斯塔格(文森特?德奥诺费奥 Vincent D'Onofrio 饰),但是苦于他守口如瓶,无法救出被他囚禁的女孩。这时,警方联系了凯瑟琳,希望她可以通过梦境的方法,潜入犯人的大脑,找到受害者的所在位置。然而,事情远比想象得更加险象环生……