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1963年,凭着热情周到的服务,胡玉音与丈夫桂桂(刘利年)经营的米豆腐摊子前渐渐成为早市上最热闹的一道风景,加上夫妻俩省吃俭用,手中积攒了一 笔数目可观的财富。镇党支书也是胡玉音干哥的黎满庚(张光北)、粮站主任谷燕山(郑在石)及乡邻们都为他们高兴。当他们盖好新房准备日子更上一层楼时,迎上“四清运动”,一直嫉妒胡玉音的原国营饮食店经理、今县商业局科长李国香(徐松子)与二流子王秋赦(祝士彬)联手,趁机将她定性为“反革命五类分子”中的“富农婆”,将之派去与原县文化馆馆长、今被人称作“秦癫子”的“右派”秦书田(姜文)一起清扫大街,桂桂身亡。运动中黎满庚昧着良心将胡玉音背叛,谷燕山则一直以老革命军人的标准诚实做人。
Min Ji-suk runs a ticket barwhere customers can purchase tickets for certain servicesin the town of Sokcho in Gangwon-do. She hires Miss Yang (Ahn So-young), Miss Hong (Lee Hye-young), and Se-young (Jeon Se-young) through the employment agency. Miss Yang and Miss Hong, who are well experienced in this type of business, are used to accepting propositions from customers. But Se-young, who is dating a college student named Min-su, rejects all requests for sexual favors. When Min-su professes to having problems with his tuition and finances, Se-young reassures him that she will procure the necessary funds for him. When the bar's clientele begins to dwindle because of Se-young, Ji-suk reprimands her severely. Se-young develops a close relationship with a Captain Pak and even allows him to sleep with her. She asks Captain Pak to find Min-su employment on a boat, but when Min-su comes to Sokcho for his new job, he sees how Se-young has been making her living. Shocked, he turns his back on the job and leaves. When he eventually returns to Sokcho, he scathingly denounces Se-young's morality and severs their relationship. Decades ago, Ji-suk had stumbled into the bar business in a desperate effort to support her husband, who was serving time in prison; she later left him voluntarily out of shame and moral degradation. Concerned that Se-young will end up with the same fate, Ji-suk asks Min-su to meet with her. She begs him not to abandon Se-young, but he flatly refuses. Ji-suk reacts by pushing Min-su into the sea, and suffers a mental breakdown that lands her in a psychiatric institution.
李素英已经三十四岁了,别的同龄女人不是已经组建了温暖而又幸福的家庭,就是在职场上拼杀出了一片属于自己的天地,反观李素英,爱情和事业都毫无进展,又被贫穷又多事的家人所拖累,前途一片黯淡。 李素英梦想成为一名服装设计师,并且凭借自己的努力考上了一流的大学,然而,经济的拮据让她只能选择放弃学业。之后,为了赚钱,李素英放弃了理想进入了纤维出口公司工作,在勤勤恳恳为公司效力了十四年后,一直任劳任怨的李素英竟然因为年龄太大而惨遭辞退。某日,因为年龄问题在找工作上屡屡受挫的李素英拿着妹妹的简历,谎称自己二十五岁,竟然顺利的进入了服装公司,成为了设计师,然而,这个依靠谎言编织起来的美丽梦境总有崩塌的那一天。