搜索 "伊东四朗西尾大介" ,找到 部影视作品
大人計画主宰、俳優、劇作家、脚本家、映画監督などマルチの分野で活躍する松尾スズキが、監督・脚本・主演を務める映画『108~海馬五郎の復讐と冒険~』が2019年秋に公開されることが6日、明らかになった。松尾にとって長編映画の監督は『恋の門』『クワイエットルームにようこそ』『ジヌよさらば ~かむろば村へ~』に続き第4作目となり、約4年ぶり。自身が監督、脚本を手掛けた作品での主演は初となる。 タイトルの108とは、主人公・海馬五郎(松尾)が妻への復讐として全財産を使って抱く女性の数、そして妻のFacebookの浮気投稿についた「いいね!」の数のこと。脚本家として成功している海馬が、元女優の妻の浮気をFacebookで知り、怒り心頭。離婚を考えるも妻に1000万円の慰謝料を支払わなければならず、自らの不貞でその金を使い切ることで復讐を決意する。
After the Great Earthquake in Northeastern Japan, Mitsuo is sent to a mental hospital from the strain of grief from working to clear out the debris of the disaster. When he is released 3 years later, he feels a moment of happiness as he is welcomed back by his brother Yuta, his wife Yoko, their first daughter Chie, and their second daughter Itsuki, who has a down syndrome.The next day, Chie wishes to go to the amusement park, and Mitsuo takes Chie and Itsuki there. But these happy moments don't last long, and the incident happens at the park. Chie dropped Itsuki on the concrete when Mitsuo took his eyes off of them. Yoko cannot accept Itsuki's death, madly questions Chie and Mitsuo. In this pressure, Chie lies that Uncle Mitsuo dropped Itsuki. As Yoko goes through a mental breakdown from the shock. Becoming full with regret day by day, Yoko accuses Yuta and questions if he felt relieved that Itsuki died. Hearing this fight between her parents, Chie's heart was also slowly being ...