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抗日战争期间,江南某地湖湾镇鬼子进行清乡洗粮,并杀害了领头抗粮的阿福爸等10余人,阿福等少年满腔愤怒,决定向鬼子复仇。 日军进行了残酷的扫荡,新四军决定由更具迷惑性的阿福等少年组成小鬼特种兵队伍,由新四军女战士春梅负责,武器则是弹弓等,春梅带孩子们用弹弓袭击鬼子、汉奸和夜袭队,竟然起到了意向不到的效果,于是,春梅便把孩子们组织起来,用新四军战士练枪法的方式教孩子们练打弹弓,并做到了百发百重。小小特种兵队成立后,在春梅的领导下,他们先是搞一些小规模的夜间行动,专门打击罪大恶极的汉奸和单个出没的鬼子,神不知鬼不觉,两鬼子都不知道他们的人是怎么失踪的,慢慢地,弹弓队开始有计划的协助山区游击队的小规模战斗,游击队与鬼子和伪军正面作战,把敌人搞得晕头转向,以为是老天在有意帮助游击队特种兵队队愈战愈勇,声名远播,有一天,小队员狗子到邻村看外婆,遇到一小队鬼子兵,...
An Episcopal Bishop, Henry Brougham, has been working for months on the plans for an elaborate new cathedral which he hopes will be paid for primarily by a wealthy, stubborn widow. He is losing sight of his family and of why he became a churchman in the first place. Enter Dudley, an angel sent to help him. Dudley does help everyone he meets, but not necessarily in the way they would have preferred. With the exception of Henry, everyone loves him, but Henry begins to believe that Dudley is there to replace him, both at work and in his family's affections, as Christmas approaches.