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Five days after successfully rescuing Quinn Ergon from her prison, Gary Goodspeed, the Team Squad, and Bolo find themselves trapped within t he horrific dimension of Final Space, with everything being only a question of survival. Pursued relentlessly by Invictus, the newly resurrected Lord Commander, and the Titans, all determined to capture Mooncake to become even more powerful, the Team Squad's only hope is to ally themselves with Earth's last survivor before it's too late. --Final Space Wiki
3000万年前,黑暗使世界陷入恐惧。 最终光之巨人将黑暗封印到了遥远的宇宙中。 光之巨人也用尽了全力,在红色的星球上陷入长眠。 时光流转,在地球和平同盟TPU紧急组建精英小组“GUTS-SELECT”时,主人公真中剑悟正在刚刚开拓的火星上作为植物学家安稳地生活着。 但是有一天,超古代封印的黑暗突然再次来袭,打破了安稳宁静的生活。 当火星的街道被怪物破坏时,剑悟被命运引导,和沉睡的光之巨人相遇了。 这次相遇会给他和地球带来怎样的影响呢? 跨越时空苏醒的光之巨人,其名为——特利迦奥特曼。